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The Man from Brodney's


Word Count: 3604    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

at Miss Pelham had disappeared. The coincidence was significant; Mr. Saunders was also missing from his seat on the window-sill at the far end of the long corridor. Britt looked his disgust, and m

rubies and sapphires on the board, usin

ross the vine-covered bridge and into the midst of a transact

ouble. Bowles just telephoned. There's a lot of exci

th it?" growled Deppingham, who was growing to

the lawyer, and the lawyer has unmercifully threshed Von Blitz. Good Lord, I

manded Browne. They, were n

s," said Britt. "Bowles was so excited he could hardly talk.

said Deppingha

his wife, singular or plural, while he was around. Von Blitz is a big, ugly chap, and he naturally resented the interference with his divine might. He told the lawyer to go hang or something equivalent. The lawyer knocked him down. By George, I'd like to have seen it! From the way Bowles tells it, he must have knocked him down so incessantly in the next five minutes that Von

" protested

German has a lot of influence over the people. It may be uncomfortable for our good-looking friend. If he didn't seem so we

ously-"we must offer him a safe retreat in the chateau." The others looked at her in

It was from the Enemy, and requested them to meet him in private conference at four that afternoon. "I

over his countryman's fallibility. "My word for it, Saunders, he's g

eflectively. "As if we'd go into any agreement with the fello

which the counsellors for Mr. Browne and Lady Deppingham res

utable Mohammedans shook their heads and hastened toward the gates. Despair reigned in the chateau; tears and lamentations were no more effective than blasphemy. The maj

hat I said about the American gu

he can call upon the English ships as well, for he comes last from London. He can have both, while you have only one. Besides, he says you cannot send a message in the air, without

by helplessly, while they crowded through the gates like a pack of hounds at the call of the master. The deserters were gone

eless messages and calling out navies; but not he! And that machine for tapping the air! Say, we'd better go slow with that fellow. If

d as a lobster, "I won't have you

ngue. Please overlook it. But, say, shall I cal

our servants," said Lady Deppingha

heir names and to understand the

telephone booth he was perspiring freely, and hi

e, consumed by curiosity. Britt fanned

owne. I said we'd come down at four-thirty. He asked me to bring some c

feet stretched out, his hands clasped behind his head. There was a far-away, discontented look in his eyes. A native was fanning him industri

ith its clear grey eyes (the suspicion of a sardonic smile in their depths), struck them a

who had almost forgotten what it meant to have the companionship of his fellow-man. Both men were surprised by the eager, sincere manner in which he greeted them. He clasped their hands

of you to come down. I'm sure we won't have to call out the British or American gunboats to preserve order in our midst. I know something a great deal better than gunboats. If you'll come to my shack down the street, I'll mix you a real American cocktail, a mint julep,

nds of vermouth, brandy, and all that sort of thing, and completely forgot the staff of life. I happened to know that you have a million packages of them, more or less, up at the chateau. My spies told me. I daresay yo

ight of day and yet kept out much of the oppressive heat. A huge ice chest stood at one end of the room. At the other end was his desk; a couch, two chairs, an

mile. I sit in the chairs; they squat on the rugs. We talk about rubies and sapphires as if they were peanuts. Occasionally we talk about our neighbours. Shall I make three mint juleps? Here

in his thatch of straw-coloured hair was as straight and undeviating as if it had been laid by rule; his eyes were set and uncompromising. Mr. Saunders was determined that the two Americans should not draw him int

John Wyckholme's foresightedness in maintaining a contemporaneous mint bed. I imagine that you, gentlemen, are hoping to prove the old codgers insane. Between the three

at the refreshing julep. Mr. Saunders felt something melt as he drew the subse

for cigarettes," said Mr. Britt. "Mr. Browne, my client, for

reply, for the very significant reason that

ouching his lips three or four times with his handkerchief

need more. By the way," dropping into a curiously reflective air, "may I ask why Lady Deppingham is permitted to ride alone through the

? What do

hem, by some hook or crook. Well, there are men among them who would not hesitate to dispose of one or both of the heirs if they could do it without danger to their interests. What could be more simple, Mr. Saunders, than the death of Lady Deppingham

could say, forgetting his julep i

keep my own client on the straight and pu

aid Saunders with mild aspe

He's usually with Lady Deppingham. It's lucky

aunders, "none of t

ers," remonstrated Britt. "Bro

s a-Oh, Selim, please step over to the bank and ask what time it is." As Selim departed, the Enemy remarked: "It won't do for him to hear

, "you've added q

They all laughed heartily, two, at least, in some surprise. Saunders never let an opportunity escape

security of the island, nothing else. Of course, I could sit back and say nothing, thereby letting your clients cut off their own noses, but it's hardly fair among white people. Besides

said Britt

for vast piles of rubies, and turn the wheel daily

They use gun wads and simply

, "there isn't a ruby or

the people think you are playing for real stones, using gun wads as they've seen poker chips used. I've heard that as much as £50,000 in precious gems change hands in a night. Well, the situation is obvious. Every man in Japat thinks that your people are gambling with jewels that belong to the corporation. T

in open-mouthed wonder at the tall host; "you appal me! It's most ext

a look of disdain. "I told 'e

Lord Deppingham that if he persists in snooping about the ravines in search of rubies, he'll get an unmanageable bullet in the back of his head some day soon. He's being watched all the time. The natives

, smiting the table mightily. "He's too da

the Enemy, as the native

ship is not due to

ter from Von Blitz's wives. They promised to let me k

him off neatly," sa

a gem of purest ray serene. By the way, I ho

all strikes among our servants. That seems to me to

the other, "but you must remembe

ttered Saunde

s cheeks glowing, "it's mighty good

more sociable hereafter. We're not here to cut each other's throat

hateau at seven o'clock, each with six mint juleps about his person, they were too mellow for analysis

he said, when they clamoured for a jinriks

nd. "I'm going to 'nform L-Lord Deppingham that he's

ith rare dignity, "take y

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