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The mafia sexual slave

Chapter 6 Making good use of my vibrator

Word Count: 1569    |    Released on: 11/12/2023


s always stressful ,now I ha

y and he ask me to enjoy my holiday as if he knew i was going out,anyway i went to look for my passport since we

between excitement and worry ,i can't deny the fact that i was excited at the prospect of meeting him a

the fact that they are involved in illegal activiti

me no choice , whether i like it or not i am going to be stuck with the man for

few more hours before

ight as fvck and i need some release before work today so i rub lube on the dildo and stuck it into my pussy and started to imagine Alessandro doing thin

f my thighs, then my pussy, until i lets out a contented sigh that is what i need that is the o

tter closed

set the vibrator to a higher pace moaning louder, my hands reaching down to tangle

pebbles and i squirms from the pleasure i am imagining and the way the vibrator flicker over m

e like he wante

nstinctively gripping his hair even tighter, and he know what he does to me with the way m

on my sensitive skin. I nod, and he does it a


me to make


hard and fast, and I can already feel my body tingling,my pussy tightening on the vibrator ,i push i

back, my eyes closed, and I was panting like a dog on a race.my hands are gripping his shoulders tightly, and I am wr


hat, he t


hat you want?” I ask, but we bo

from my hold, lean down and sink his tongue into my cunt.i ruse up from the

s fall to my sides. I am completely fucking gon

o me again, and my entire body trembles. I am clos

, and he is going t

whispering to myself.“

ng there and asked me tell me Alexis who is your god,he traced his


lick my clit hard with my tongue and curled his hand around my g-spot and i came furiously and i screams, shuddering fr

I whine in protest, but my whine dies in my throat as he reaches for his jeans and start

g the tip of his dick over my pussy, teasing me. Fuck that feels too good. It was too tempting

tears open the foil packet and rolls the condom onto his dick. H

ck, i am so wet and tight , clenching the head of his dick like my

re and I arches her back as I clench d

ll of this big cock, he told m

e. As soon as he is all the way inside me , I awake

nt, my lips parted slightly,

ered. I’m not sure if I

till looking into my eyes. I ca

und his neck, pulling my h

s other on my hip.i moans into my mouth as he thrust harde

eel it. My body starts to shake, but my pussy is gripping his cock

nt to feel you come all o

n as his own orgasm builds up. I don’t th

neck and bit down on my

he can’t hold back anymore. My pussy is m

is dick giving a fin

ldo went to the bathroom and cleaned up. I w

p getting ready for the club tonight. I was going to be on stage tonigh

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