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The Mark of the Beast

Chapter 6 A REED LIKE A ROD.

Word Count: 3793    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

the same number of days. The revived Roman Empire was an established fact. Moved by Satan, the ten kings had united to make Lucien Apleon their Emperor. The nations, having cast off all belief i

rcial centre of the reign of Lucien Apleon, even a

he wondered if it would be his last of office, even as he often wondered if he migh

persecution. Many of the Godly had been found mysteriously murdered, an

fice for luncheon, (he always lunched in

see you, sir,"

lph, and rising to his feet he we

e two men grasped hands heartily, their respectiv

of the Church, so with the Rabbi who was now visiting Ralph, he had been drawn to call upon Ralph

trong friendship, and though for some weeks, they had no

between the pair, the Rabbi, su

unless, by any fortunate chance, I can persuade y

ied Ralph, "Why-what-

ious ring of mixed pride and gladness i

hat we are of the priestly line. I am the head of our family, and my pe

e, and handed down to us in many of our writings is this, that the Great Temple of Solomon-opened in the seventh month, as all our scriptures, yours as wel

le. This he now took up, took off the lid, and drew out a roll of vellum. Unrolling

purpose for you to

I expect you are the only Gentile w

was speechless from amazement, the Rabbi from

s oblong enclosure. The outer sides of the enclosure showing a most exquisite marble terracing, the capping of the marble wall was of a wondrous red-and-orange-veined dark green stone. The

fore-part of the courtyard inside the gates of the main entrance-there were five entrances, each w

of wondrous marble, the pillars of which were crowned with golden capitals of marvellous workmanship. The porch was surmounted by a dome. Then came the temple prop

ld not conceive! The picture of it was a bewild

Rabbi, at his side, delighted with his

presently asked, as the picture was being rol

ch has been spent upon precious stones for

repeated the words much after the manner of a man

g of such a costly undertaking. Then suddenly, Bastin faced his f

hich God's word makes to this Temple of yours, are in Daniel xii. 11 and in the Christian New Testament, Matthew xxiv. Mark xiii 2, 2 Thessalonians ii 14, and Revelation xi 1, and there it is mentioned in con

gment, and soon-all too soon-it will be cursed and defiled by the abomination of desolation

y, and in your desire to be established in the land of your fathers, you talk of ma

by Ralph's manner, nodded a

that he was prophesied to be your foe. Remember Daniel nine, twenty-seven (according to the modern chaptering and verses) "He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: (a week of years, of seve

Twice his lips parted as though he would speak,

dst of the week') the foul fiend whom you are all trusting so implicitly, will suddenly abolish your daily sacrifice of the morning and evening lamb, and will set up

our, foretold all this as to come upon your people. He even showed them to be in their own land, saying, 'let them which are in Judea flee into the mountains ... and pray th

into a new channel, Coh

so few mentions in the Scriptures, and those in judgment. When we say that the whole of the nine last chapters of our p

erusalem and its temple, and the translation of 'The church,' a few months ago. There could be no temple as regards God's people-The Church-because all that nin

ll that Ezekiel's description, and you will see that when your Messiah, our Christ, comes to reign for that wonderful time of a thousand years of perfect righteousness, that your land-the land given in prom

bits. This oblation land will be divided into three parts. The northern portion will be for the priests, and the new temple will be in the midst. The second division of land, going South

on Mount Moriah, for according to Isaiah two, two, 'It shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of Jehovah's Hou

hall help, financially, as well as by manual labor to build the place, which shall make the place of Jehovah's feet glorious-that

cause his mind was not an open one to receive the Truth-nothing blinds and obstructs l

d," Ralph remarked. "For, believe me, the day is near at hand when all of us who will cleave to our

ures) he, the Anti-christ, will autocratically put a stop to your sacrifices in your Temple, and will set up his own image to be worshipped, and if you will not worship that image, or if you do no

Then, as if to bridge an awkward mom

mple yourself, instead of sending a re

d; "I could not get

weighed with him, that any day now he mi

nd parted as men part who

led to the present, by the arrival of the mail. The most important pa

ought of his heart only twenty minutes ago, and wond

tters ever were. But it was none the less emphatic. After

ve been taken, and I, who prided myself on my strict churchmanship, have been left behind. My boon companion, the rector of our parish, a man who always seemed to me to be the beau ideal clergyman, he too is left, and is as puzzled and angry as I am. I think he is more angr

, Bastin, good fellow, what constitutes 'peculiarity,' in this sense? It seems to me now, that to be out and out for God-as that good fello

fe was taken. A farmer, a member of our own church, who used to invite preachers down from the Evangeliz

itnesses for righteousness,' but my mind is too harrassed by all this mysterious business of the Translation of men and women, to think of anything else but the future, and what it will bring. I have sold the paper to Lucien Apleon (through

t, a moment, and a weary litt

uld have done this," he mused, "if h

letter again

as a retiring fee for you. But I was obstinate on this point, and told

air,' have aroused strange new thoughts and desires within me, and I want you to help me to a clearer view of the events of the near future. Then,

to a man like me now, if all that you have lately

ost cordially. Then t

and proposes to have a performance every Sunday Evening, and as often in the week as funds, and interest in the affair, will warrant. Good Heavens! What has the world come to? Then only to think that E

ph, with a sigh, as he let

d straight in front of him,

ys! If I can but wake up some of the people of this land to

nly he started sharply, grew alert in every sense, and sounded a

Mr. Bullen is

sur, h

ep this way, a

with a fine record as regarded his profession. A close personal friendship existed bet

the younger man, the changes that

nity, now. The strong delusion has got such an almost universal grip upon the race, that they will gladly, eagerly swallow all the lie of the Arch-liar, the Anti-christ. In the old day

to go, to represent the 'Courier.' What I am especially anxious for you to do, is to note everything that will show the tru

ou in good stead. For, if you feel led to it, I should suggest that you adopt that Syrian costume I once saw you in. This course would have many advantages, for while you c

be put in the way of your obtaining information, or, more likely, in transmitting it. You might even be quietly put out

ation. Then when they gripped hands in p

k of Eastern garments was full and varied, and not one East

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