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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3 Bathing in Deception

Word Count: 1195    |    Released on: 13/12/2023

id, “Are you sure that’s your w

him. “You want to grant me another wish?

e and Cindy, looked at Vin

? Does this beg

d to her question, Henrick interrupted. “Nice to see yo

s dropped when Hen

eyes as she dared not imagi

arth is h

something was amiss an

ed his face the mom

“Why did you invite a beggar to our

n though deep in her heart she

, sh

upted. “Don’t you rem


brows and widened his eyes

Arielle,” she w

that had happened a decade ago, bu

that, Henri

s face as he was afraid that

nd. In a steady voice, she continued, ‘We

ds. He had no choice but to g

pened to you and Mr. Nightshire? Wh

son’s clothes. They were so drawn to the man himsel

uzzled look at A

ing going on be

. Vinson falling in love with this coun

aid, “I think it was Mr. Nightshire who brought Arielle home.” “Really?”

hood, I guess she doesn’t exactly know what happened. Imagine the ben

you’re Arielle’s friend? Thanks for bringing her back to us. If you don’

We have extra pairs of

their offer, but he could not stand w

his hand and showed him the direction to the guest room.

ed for nearly a decade, so she u

nted to use Arielle to get i

on Arielle’s and no

n she was still alive. I’ll never all

andie aside and said, “Bring her to the bathroom

She turned around and put on a smile “Hey.

the mother-daughter duo wou

picion and responded

s and walked i

exchange whispers as they tried to

clear that from now on, they would hav

ere temporarily while we tidy up your room, and you can a

ank you,” Arie

the water heater? We’ve fixed the temperature, so you don’t have to adjust it

e her expression. She responded

I don’t know how to

and walked out of the room. After closing the door,

cleaned her hands thoroughly b

her stinks/Vinson must have brought her here by acciden

her own sweet time enjoying a

she looked and smelled after

head to toes, she wiped off all the dirt

e features made her look l

an you please open the door? I want to pass you the dress. I’ve a

pened the door slightl

see the disgust and mo

couture dress by Gucci. It was more co

t her hands on the dress, she could

e, the person needed to have a busty, curvaceous figure to be able to fit in th

nes, the dress would look unflattering on her. Th

ut with that dress, I’m sure al

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