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Word Count: 1317    |    Released on: 03/01/2024

on failed to capture the essence of what I truly wanted. My fiancé Adrian is a successful doctor in the bustling heart of the city. Our three years dating journey has been good

a conversation about lace, fabrics, and designs. I observed quietly, relieved that the meeting was progressing smoothly despite the initial delays.After what felt like a productive discussion,Marcello bid us farewell with a promise to send over the initial designs soon, and also invited us to a party. As we left the Bistro,I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the meeting turned out better than expected. Despite my apprehension, I couldn't deny that Marcello had an artistic flair. Maybe attending the gathering would provide further insight into the dress and alleviate some of my initial concerns about my choices for the wedding. "I suppose it could be interesting," Maddie mused, trying to convince me. I grinned. "It'll be great! And thanks again for today, Maddie You're the best!" With that, we parted ways, and as I made my way home, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement for the upcoming gathering and the possibilities it held for my dream wedding gown. As the days passed, the anticipation for the weekend gathering grew. Annabella was practically buzzing with excitement, talking nonstop about the intricate details of the dress and how Marcello would bring her vision to life. The weekend arrived, and we found ourselves at Victoria's elegant estate. The air was filled with an aura of sophistication as guests mingled, exchanging pleasantries and admiring the exquisite setting. "Look at this place!" Annabella exclaimed, her eyes wide with awe. "Victoria certainly knows how to host a gathering."I nodded in agreement, taking in the elegant décor and the lively atmosphere. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the garden where tables adorned with floral arrangements awaited the guests. Soon, Marcello arrived, and the air seemed to shift with his presence. He greeted everyone warmly, his charisma captivating the room.Victoria approached us with a smile. "Annabella,Maddie, so glad you could make it! Marcello is eager to discuss the dress with you"! I practically bounced with excitement. "I can't wait to see more of your designs, Marcello!" Marcello smiled warmly. "Ah, Annabella, your enthusiasm is infectious. Let's sit and delve into the details." As we gathered around a table, Marcello unveiled a series of sketches, each more intricate than the last. My eyes gleamed as she studied the designs, eagerly discussing each element and envisioning the final gown. Hours passed in a whirlwind of discussions, fabric swatches, and design concepts. Despite my initial reservations, I found myself drawn i

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