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Word Count: 1695    |    Released on: 03/01/2024

procedure. As she peeled off her surgical gloves, her thoughts were consumed by the events of the past few weeks. The strained relationship with Alex had taken a toll on her, leaving her emoti

back, "Sounds perfect. I need that. Thank you ❤️." Her gaze drifted back to the corridor she'd left behind. Alex's earnest plea resonated within her, tugging at a sliver of doubt. But she shook her head, dispelling the lingering shadows of the past. She had made her decision. Minutes later, she found herself standing outside Alex office,the familiar hustle and bustle of the hospital now a soothing backdrop to her thoughts. She leaned against the wall, mulling over the encounter with Alex. The hospital intercom crackled to life, pulling her from her reverie. "Dr. Annabella, please report to the emergency room," the voice announced. With a determined nod, she pushed herself off the wall, adjusting her white coat, and briskly made her way to the ER. The cacophony of medical instruments, hurried footsteps, and urgent voices surrounded her, grounding her in the present. As she tended to patients, her mind drifted to her conversation with Alex. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd made the right choice. Doubts crept in, clouding her thoughts, but a glimpse of Adrian's text on her phone brought her back to the present. She had someone who valued her, respected her, and stood by her side. Hours passed in a blur as Annabella attended to a myriad of cases. The relentless pace of the hospital kept her mind occupied, preventing her from dwelling on the tumultuous encounter. Yet, the echoes of Alex's plea lingered, the residue of their history casting a shadow over her resolve. As the evening descended and her shift came to an end, she found herself standing at the hospital entrance, her gaze fixed on the cityscape beyond. The twinkling lights danced in the distance, a reminder of the world outside the hospital walls. She pocketed her phone, taking a deep breath to clear her mind. The decision loomed over her like a heavy cloud. With a determined stride, she walked towards the hospital parking lot, her footsteps echoing in the quieting night. Just as she reached her car, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. Alex stood there, his expression a mix of apprehension and hope. "Annabella, please," he began, his voice tinged with urgency. She turned, facing him with a mix of resolve and weariness. "Alex, I've made my decision," she stated firmly. He took a step closer, his eyes imploring. "I know I've made mistakes, but I can change. I'll do anything to make things right between us." Annabella met his gaze, her voice steady. "It's not about you changing, Alex. It's about moving forward. We've both grown apart, and it's time we accept that." Alex's shoulders sagged, a hint of defeat in his eyes. "I still love you," he whispered. A pang of empathy surged within her, but she remained resolute. "I need to go, Alex," she said softly. "I wish you all the best." With that, Annabella turned away, unlocking her car door. She settled into the driver's seat, feeling a surge of conflicting emotions. But as she started the engine and drove away, a sense of relief washed over her. The drive home was quiet, the weight of the day's events settling upon her. She parked outside her apartment building, sitting in silence f

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