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The Night Horseman


Word Count: 1391    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

. If he mounted a horse, sweat started out from every pore; if he swallowed a glass of red-eye he breathed hard thereafter. Yet he was capable of great and sustained exertions, as many and

could conceal the hawk-line of his nose or the gleam of those half-buried eyes. His hair was short-cropped, grey, and stood on end like bristles, and he was in the habit of using his p

, and gambler-a roll of cotton and another roll of bandages. The crowd grouped around him, fascinated, and at his directions some of them brought water and

grunted Fatty, and then running the roll of bandage

eline, my

ar heart, fo

n he was spotted?" asked Fatty of th

leared hi

dly, and began to mop his bar, whic

all these birds get it. And Jerry


unken bu

whispered briefly. Fatty opened his eyes and curse

he draw?" he g

out before the stranger


murmured the deputy

eams, your fa

finished the bandaging

d Lew. "He just now

he added, enlightened; "Goin

n leaned o

n't no doubt of it. Jerry had his war-paint o

in the dep

all the leads; this Barry simply done the finishing. I say, don't pu

a dozen of you gents. Hook on to Jerry and take

e found only one man, and in the act of mounting a black horse; the deputy marshal made straight for that man until a huge black


e. Come h

es from the marshal. The latter gingerly approached the rider, who sat pe

ugh to show the glitter of his badge of office. All the time his little beady eyes watched Barry with bird-like intentness. The rider made not a move. And now Matthe

you. You're free: but one thing more. You cut off there-see?-and bear away north from the Three B's. You got a hoss that is, and believe me, you'll need him before you're through." He lowered his voice and his eyes bul

back and wa

, va

ars and winced from the outflung hand

of Mac Strann

of Mac Strann?"

to meet him,

is eyes rapidly, as though h

yearling. You won't have no chance. You've done for Jerry, there ain't a doubt of that, but Jerry to Mac is like a tame cat to

ped from t

o know the best plac

marshal was

rry, "I can stable him ove

ngers through his hair. Anger and amazement still choked

oss can outrun anything on four feet. And maybe it can. But listen to me: Mac Strann ain't fast on a trail, but the point about him is

e-voiced stranger. "I guess

the black dog and the black horse. As for deputy marshal Matthews, he moistened his lips to whistle, but when he pursed t

line, At night, dear h

hold upon the bar w

he said,

he bartender spun towards him and seiz

ouragement." And filling the glass nearly to the b

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