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The Night Horseman


Word Count: 2084    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

d Hank Dwight by way of an introduction. "If

left th

eath her wide sombrero there rolled a cloud of golden hair as bright as the sunshine itself-a sad strain upon the visual nerve of Doctor Randall Byrne. He r

and I have to bring a physician out to the

ne rubbed h

ing him closely, weighing him with her eyes, and it came to the mind of Randall Byrne


interrupted. "His trouble lies in h

lighted the eye

urmured. "


and when he spoke his voice was sharp and quick

y to the ranch? Even if we start no

tor, "I have not yet dec

g away, but something withheld her. "There is no other physician within reach

e said miserably. "I presume


quaintance with the equine species beyond a purely experimental stage. Anatomically I have a superficial knowledge, but

the girl's mouth. It caused his vision to clear and concentrate; he found that th

is perfectly gentle and has a very easy gait. I'm s

d y

g about town; it do

is most remarkable. You ch

ill go?" s

e of the first order." He sighed. "Is it not strange, Miss Cumberland, that man, though distinguished from the lower orders by mind, so often is controlled in his actions by ethical impulses which override the considerations of reason?

. The smile was gr

my things," said the doctor, "

be waiting for you with two

ut why are you so sure that you will be ready before I-" but she was alr

flexible valise and ran down the stairs. He reached the veranda again, panting, and the girl was not in sight; a smile of triumph appeared on the grave, colourless lips of the doctor. "Feminine instinct, however, is not infallible," he observed to hi

jaw to drop but after a moment he ejacula

but he now paused and again faced the cowboy. He said, fro

y in question. "You ain't talkin' t

ere is an element of offense which if carried f

leman, "but from the drift of your tune I

nd he now slipped from his chair and faced Randall Byrn

f a deep ring his words were pitc

t, but almost instantly the big man g

ted, and turned his

his fellow but a wave of impotence overwhelmed him. He knew that he

he diagnosed swiftly, "causing acceleration of the pulse and attend

reason, he went his way down the long veranda. Against a pill

on direct or casual concerning a family named Cumber

wpuncher, and continue

ctor, "do you know

It seemed to occur to him instantly, however, that he was committing an inhospitable breach,

?" he

in no form,"

match burned down to his fingertips and sing

o to kill time? Well, I been thinking about knocking off the stuff for a while. M

st and second fingers of whic

take it off,

self, of course, is a volatile alkaloid base of which there is only the merest trace in tobacco. It is one of the deadliest of

ell yo

nicotine the size of the head of a pin placed on t

ed back his hat and

e said, "but I'm some glad

umberlands," said

to leave 'em to their own concerns." And he started to turn away,

ted, "that there is some my

ou understand nothin'." And he l

ll Byrne, but now he was pardonably excited and perceiving the

he Cumberland ranch. I gather that there is s

admitted H

tell me w


always well to know the background of a case which has

hen paused and eyed his guest dubious


man and a ho

quite obvious, but I s

was a

ngth, "is worse'n bullets. Yo

y?" persisted

k Dwight, "I may tell

ds quite p

tell nob


og. The man ain't possible, the hoss

seemed to be drawn two ways, by his eagerness

man's talk like you and me does-or better. I've heard a man whistle like a singing bird. Yep, that ain't no lie. You jest imagine a bald eagle that could lick anything between the earth and the sky and was able to sing-

man of the story whistles?"

. "Friend, if he ain't real, then I'm a ghost. And they's t

A gunfighter?" q

efinger, "around these parts you know jest as much as you see, and lots of times you don't even know that much. Wh

k the girl these questions. It

with a sort of horror. But he ended with

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