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My Disabled Alpha

My Disabled Alpha



Word Count: 1199    |    Released on: 22/12/2023


pack. The atmosphere was in a full, blooming, exciting mood. The full moon festival day has always been a day of merry,

ying themselves, I, on the other hand, was standing far away from the crowd, gazing into the sky, and admiring the full bea

new who it was. I reared back, stunned, at who

-to-be Alpha of our pack. Kelvin, threw m

like you?" He yelled, panting heavily and I stood there, speechless and stunned, realizing that Kelvin Castle was my mate

at the brink of my eyes. My wolf whimpered, from excruciating pain, and

sit on and calm myself. The crowd was too engrossed, in their fun and enjoyment, and

also starting to have hope within, I was wrong and Kelvin was not going to reject me. I was beginning to feel a little hap

I viewed her face. I gasped in amazement, and when I looked down a

the moon goddess inside of me, to not let it be, what I was thinking. Kelvin, still holding my step-sister

ow" Kelvin began, and I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks. My wolf, Daniella

ked again, and I kept quiet, not knowing what to say. I was the reason being all these, if I w

yourself," D

nally said those dreaded words. There was a loud gasp from everyone. I stood up weakly,

least check whether he felt sorry for hurting me this

continued, and I saw Stephanie, throw me a smug, mocking look. It was okay if he rejected me, but I

nd my wolf howled painfully. The pain became too much for me to bear, so I col


found myself on my bed. I was still wondering how I got here. The last

t immediately plunged me, and I groaned, feeling my heart cracking again. The wound was still fresh. I started she

ow did he even meet her, were they perhaps dating before?' I wondered, t

her, was going to fulfill her duties and get married, to the disabled, unfavored prince, from the moon

rejoicing within. Once she is gone, Kelvin would ha

e still going to accept him, after the humiliation he put

alked to me, with a cold gaze expression as usual. My father has never smiled at me, but he always does to St

o check on me. He came for something else. Something

and looking down at the floor. My father, as usual, ignored m


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