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My Disabled Alpha


Word Count: 1043    |    Released on: 22/12/2023


gave me a second chance mate, and I was also surprised to find o

was Daniella's doing. Everyone in here gasped b

ince, of whom I have no idea what his name is, commented sarcastically

be rejecting her." The disabled prince said, and

ed, sadly. 'Was Stephanie truly right when she

ard Daniella sc

rst our fated mate, now it is this asshole," Daniella yelled in

d prince saying and turned to see

ef. ' Wasn't the disabled princ

edge this request of mine," he said, his head still bent towards

t in disbelief. Just then, a young, beautiful, sexy lady with long blonde hair w

ed prince added, and I gasped, realizing this was tru

it," he said with authority. I was too stunned and pained to speak. Tears were rolling down my cheeks at th

ant to the eyes to be rejected by my two mates, even

the king call. I raise my

ired from your journey," he beg

tion will be made?" He suggested it, and I agreed, thankful to him for being s

ordered the maid, who nodded with a bo

rds. She started leaving the throne room, and I followed right away.

could hear whispers, and peopl

A lady whispered to

prince had no idea what he jus

heard another whisper and giggled. She was right; I

ss," the maid said while stop

e added, and I threw her a brief nod an

managed to fake a smile at her while shaking my head sideways,

alone, like I wanted. I took a deep breath, opened the large door, and stepped into t

y way to the bed and sat on it, still numb. Since I was alone, I completely gave in t

er pack, I have always been trampled on, bullied, and made to clean up after others. I never once retaliated when

my head, hoping one day my time would come and the moon goddess

e and made him reject me. She gave m

soon, and when he does, the king will return me to my pack. I cannot allow that to happ

open garden instead. I looked up to the sky to admire t

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