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Word Count: 1634    |    Released on: 27/12/2023

e heard voices she woke up and looked outside her window she saw lots of cars p

to some men at the parlor and immedi

the biggest hotel in the world, Donovan

she immediately flinched in shock she turned arou

her eyes "Little miss"? She asked, "Is it a problem?" "well Donovan has

here on Donovan's request to meet with your father and mother, My mum is down there too you probably want to get changed she is exact

a moment "Why am I doing all this trying to get ready to meet the mother of the man that I

t was Donovan he was sitting in her chair inside her room she didn't notice him there "How long have you been in here Donovan, and w

o hide little miss" He left her completely speechless she didn't know what to say she kept staring at him. He stood up and walked up to her she was still there standing in shock "Why do you look so surprised? Do you have nothing to say?" " Stop calling me little miss," she said, sh

t clothes to wear and he followed her " He grabbed her by her hair, "Girl you don't tell me what to do. I know my parents are downstairs waiting for us, so they have to keep waiting, and your parents are with them so they are good

d run out but was in a state of shock and just prayed a miracle happened like the last time. Donovan went back to her lips like he was hesitating "Did your boy toy fuck you on this bed the day you invited him over" He asked ou

ed" He said without looking at her she stood up and quickly went to get her clothes while she was getting ready

f them I have no reason to marry you. We would probably just have a fling and call it off I might pay you off though. But yet again you amaze me and I'm not trying to rush anything with you, You are going to be mine anyway I can

ines, how disresp

asked him while staring at herself in the mirror " Yes, that's what marriage is about having someone that has the perfect body and perfect response to your body when making love and you have just that so I'm

ergy from Donovan's mother was so off that she cou

Williams family in her father's house was not what she ever though

her " Thanks very much sir," she said then sat down close to her mum, D

her dad and rolled her eyes with utter disgust. "I'm sure he hasn't told you yet but before you both can get married you have to stay with me in my house for a week," His mother told her. She looked around "Can I ask why?" she said looking confused "That's just the tradition of my family and Donovan is my fir

's just been childish pardon her manners," her father said quickly to distract the Williams from what his daughter said. "Young Lady if you are saying you don't want to get married to my son You must be a joker do you know who he is? Donovan Williams, Donovan of Donovan Homes, hotels, cars and so on I'm sure you know

on her daughter's behalf but Hitisha

van Williams only

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