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Psychopath's Wife

Chapter 3 First Time

Word Count: 1408    |    Released on: 27/12/2023



nd, I wanted to push him away with all the strength I had in myself, while on the other, I was scared. I was scared of

something full of magic, love and passion. But instead, here this man, whom I bar

nk, now it isn't necessary to convey who am I to you anymore," he spoke with

se. I was just scared... So much scared that I couldn't figure ou

f his car and tried to tie the seatbelt. That was the moment, I r

was getting angry, but he wasn't in any mood to react or let me go. Because bef

consent? Who gave you the right to do that?" I pondered him with my questions the moment I gath

me apart from you, not even you. Do you understand Miss Raahi Ahuja

y to me. Just shut up," I snapped back at

ip was so tight that it was hurting me too much. The pain I felt gave

uman, my tears, my pain didn't matter to him at all. At that moment, it felt like, the only

he isn't interested in it. His eyes were just stuck at my face. But those deadly black eyes, whenever it looked at me, I felt like it

n front of my hostel after a few minutes. He then left my hand. I looked at

in a cold voice. I loo

His voice was so scary that I flinched and witho

here," he spoke in a demanding tone. I didn't know how to r

room and glanced at the car from the win

the engine starting and

out what happened all of a sudden, how did my life change in a couple of hours and what

f they hear about this, my mom and dad will be concerned about me and call me home to live with them. They won't let me study further here. While

I have to pay is too much and I am not willing to pay that. I will fight with



on the bed. This house seems empty without my wife and my d

Arohi suffers from any kind of pain, I will definit

orld. She is someone, I can never take my eyes away from. She i

en years ago. That day is still the most blissful day of m


ty and I would forever cherish the fact that I got my admission here. Well, all thanks to dad, t

s college and I badly wanted mine to bloom here. I was not interested in any kind of friendship or bu

ay of college didn't

arved body, a beautiful killer smile and above all, brown innocent eyes. She didn't have any makeup on her face, unlike the other girls I saw in the

d walk around to lure the guys. I was damn sure she wouldn't have touched a boy in her life. She wa

Innocence won't reside in her eyes, if someo

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