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Dark Side Of Obsession

Chapter 4 the pain

Word Count: 2481    |    Released on: 28/12/2023


ow what's happening to me right now? Did I eat something ba

bedroom. I tried reaching for my phone to look for the time, it's a

till there. I let myself lie on the fl

e pain. What is happen

strength, I will wake up the person here. I don'

om. I cried even more because of this. I'm used to having blood on myself but th

in the small mirror in my room and even though it was dark I could still

thed a sigh of relief. My feelings are back to normal but

the floor. I lifted my two knees and brought my face closer to them. I bu

perly. I want to sleep and rest. I also put on clothes, an oversized white t-shirt. I took off my pants and left my fitte

of a loud voice and the sound


in this house?!" I immediately recognized the voice as Sir Norman's. What t

uch last night! I quickly removed the blanket co

k and immediately wrote

n. Calm down," said S

y, shirtless. Theo followed him in a white t-shirt and black shorts. I was nervous because

rt attack when he

ared to see that the blood I vomited last night was still there! It wasn't cleaned and it was still there a

he wasn't wearing anything on his feet. The f

e from?!" Now it wa

y wiped the floor with a quick motion. I f

ately wrote i

last night and threw up. I

thinks badly of his brother. His twin's fac

Sir Theo asked. I nodded in response

night because I got sick so it too

Sir Norman again

firm promise to the twins who are still idiots. It

one who did it, The

t. His brother immediately followed him. I even heard

and went to the kitchen. I saw manang was there preparing th

learned, what!" I bowed and avoided looking at him.

id! I feel sorry fo

continued with my

if tomorrow you're n

idn't do the work assigned to me properly. It w

hat you're wearing to face

h a serious face. He told manang to leave first and he would talk to

er a while, my hair stood up when I felt the presence of Sir Theo beh

s doing. I was not comfortable with it being so close

rossed his arms. I know he noticed what I was doing based on his

ous promise worried me. How can I answ

speak, Theo." Si

me. I looked at his irritated look. He caught my eyes

otebook and I immediat

hat happened

nutes to finish. I can hear Sir Norman's heavy breathing which is ob

read it seriously. After they read, Sir The

, we didn't mean it- I mean, dàmn, nevermind." He sat o

ugly." It promised. I was a bit affected becaus

ere for chit chats." It blew me away. I j

u're being rude your mate

I scoffed at myself. Maybe it means something els

even a seco

of a sudden. I don't know why. Maybe a fev

I was doing, I caught their gaze on my body. It's s

ered. I blushed and simply pulled down my oversized t-shirt. Did I forget to

apness of both

strong, Theo." Si

fucking shi

t worse and worse that

rman!" He whispered loudly to his brother as if he couldn't c

and Sir Theo closing his eyes

h the two of them?

is so... i

aroma that I can't seem to get off of my n

hould I? I have the right to be

ng that he really is your

kitchen in the middle of the night. Especially because he looks like

who looks like her. Are they somehow

She was our beloved who died. And we loved her so much but our love wa

lso obviously stopping himself to attack that mute boy standing in

king te

mean... he's a boy and I'm not into boys


ould already fuck him ri

t turned on even more bec

ain if this will be my perfume

ulled me out of there and brought me upstairs, to his r

rman!" The breath he lets o

time she smells fûcking good is when we are having sèx, I

hat he was g

boy smells lik

tient. My eyes fell on h


mself up and

your hard on too earlier." This is mockery. But

Cause he smells like a damn virgin.


ow. I know you felt it too."

, he

reamily. His wood already calm down for go

shed to Theo's bathroom

e I'm doing th

?!" I can clearly hear his laugh behind the door

ush?!" It added. I groaned even more a

ing this again? What a shame! I can't

were immediately shocked. Ho

e fuck u

done, I immediately went out and found no Theo in bed wh

oice to make. I'm bonded to him and he is too with

gain and saw that Theo was there watc

is a great cook. All the f

I did. I raised my eyebrows at him and glared at him


th. I rolled my eyes and

er to sit down and eat as well, but she kept sh

us so don't force him," the

her is just crazy. Hope

e, I might have stabbed my brother. But I should respect t


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