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The Alpha's Forbidden Bond

The Alpha's Forbidden Bond



Word Count: 3106    |    Released on: 31/12/2023

's point


" I lie

ur full na

Sonya Cruz ."



The guard repeats his qu

wing in his father's footsteps and hosting the mating ball but unfortunately, things didn't go as he planned. The Nightshade pack as always were ahead of him, somehow they had convinced the council on authorizing them to host the mating ball for the year and this didn't sit well with my father. Do you know what he did next? He gave an decree, stating that no one in the pack should step foot into the Nightshade territory as well as think of attending the ball; anyone found guilty would be punished severely. Can you believe that? The man's out of his damn mind if he thought I was just going to leave things as they were, no way. I was this close to finding my destined mate or preferably he ends up finding me first and I wasn't about to let that dream of mine go just like that. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up because I...um...don't have a wolf...yet. Yeah, I know, I'm an embarrassment, a freak, some would say but I was born that way-wolfless. Most werewolves get their inner wolf at age thirteen and I'm already seventeen so what hope is there for me? Imagine my father's disappointment when he discovered I had no wolf. The man was crushed both emotionally and physically, he couldn't even look me in the eyes, I was a failure to him. His only daughter whom he slightly favoured above his other children was...different. Mom says it's totally normal for werewolves my age to get their inner wolf much later than the others and that I might be a late bloomer. However, I'm not entirely sure that was the case. I know it's wrong to jump to conclusions but sometimes

nding a bloody funeral." Samantha's cheerful vo

tered panic s

mourning." Hearing those words, I let out

much fun as we can. Speaking of fun, those cute guys over there look like fun

. wai

stly irrational while I was the complete opposite of her but we still got along perfectly. Her dad, Devon, was my dad's beta and adviser, so it was kind of mandatory that we became best of friends. Samantha was very pretty, maybe even more than me but who's checking. S

brant crowd of unmated werewolves. If nervousness was a disease, I probably was suffering

looks gorgeous on you and t

my slender figure more than I had wanted, it exposed everything I always tried to c

, we shouldn't be he

have said all that before we snuck out of the pack house, stole my brother's car and drove all the way here." Sam snapped, pouting her glossy lips like a little ki

I went to the ball, I'm

remember? My dad and yours had pack business to handle and your mom has b

heart twi

ill head back home if you're not

said, giving her a

p and let's hav

g to myself. Samantha was nowhere to be found. She does this ev

o her. She's so lucky. I sigh, running my fingers through my blond hair as my blue eyes explored my surroundings. From where I stood, I could see the lustful eyes of several male wolves ogling me from head to toe so I decided to move to a spot with fewer people, ignoring the m

Sinclair." The alpha of the Nightshade addressed the large audience with a warm smile as I helped

April and...Nik–" He halted his sentence, looking around confusedly, until the

'll join us shortly, hopefully before the wine finishes!" The Alp

tage with his children tailing behind him che

ays been there? I couldn't believe that has been there all this while I was starving to death and I didn't notice it. Even from af

I identified the owner of the voice to be Blake Anderson, Sam's super-overprotective, obnoxious ol

her must have ordered him to go undercover and fish ou

t great? I'm s

r life gone against their wishes was seen in the one place she was instructed not to go- the Nightshade pack. Yup, my life's officially over. Blake examined me from head to toe, making me feel more awkward than I already felt. His grey orbs sparkled when they met my face and with a half smile he complimented, "You look gorgeous by the way." My eyes widened at

e in short form. Knowing Blake well enough, I could bet he had something off his sleeves, everyone knows he doesn't do anything wi

to his face but decided it was best I stay on his good side. And suddenly he grabbed me by the hand. "Come on, let

ould annoy the guy. It was a slow song, and we stood at arm's length. I had little to zero experience when it came to dancing, so I

sways. "You couldn't have sneaked out of th

makes you

to know that this possib

Everyone around me would be like: Adrianna can't hurt a fly. Adrianna couldn't have done this all by herself. Adrianna can't think for herself. Adrianna is so fragile. Adrianna is jus

mate? "Mind telling me how you plan on doing that, with no wolf at all." I frowned at his statement. Something in his tone didn't sit well with me. He was mocking me. What the hell was he implying? That I w

xplanation, so why don't you l

d I thanked the Goddess for the perfect timing. As I drifted

I wasn't

l, I

that tone with m

" I sparked

standing in the dancing crowd, staring directly at me. Strange, I thought, anxiously glancing back in hopes I was mistaken and he was staring at someone behind me. But no one else was there apart from me and as I shifted my eyes to him he disappeared, vanished. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Blake, keeping an eye on me. Yeah, he was creepy like that. No wonder we never got along. As I said earlier this was a mistake. A mistake my


tanding on my tired feet,

d for a while before setting on a guy, two tables away from mine. Did I forget to mention he was drop-dead handsome? This stranger no doubt wa

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