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She Saved Me

Chapter 4 IV

Word Count: 2307    |    Released on: 02/01/2024


nother! I'm going to call Cha

illy! What if Chan sympathizes and something bad happens to hi

I don't know why they're targeting Avalon but I'm sure of one thing, th

There are many emerging issues between the two. Bu

heard Bonnie's expl

hooters, we might even be kidnapped. We will not let our lives be gambled away. We carry life in our

terrorists, I'm sure the weapons they're carrying are no joke because they're not will rush in when they are not ready. The soldiers from Avalon might not be a

n he's nervous, panicking. I, on the other hand, was trying to calm down but bec

p," Bonnie whis

y. We don't know that there might be a bomb planted here where we

in front of us. We carry the documents and

possible that every building has a bomb. They intend to knock the Avalon down so that it will be difficult to get up

left or right?

see the last explosi

right side, 15 streets away. Sha

will also sound about it. We'll pass behind, I don't hear much of an

orking on is where the research facility for

isk is also high that there are many terrorists who are already stationed there, but

s around yet, they haven't reached here yet. We immediately ran away from thebuildi

ie. You're great!"

us all of a sudden! Praise me later when we both get out of here alive!" I whispered to him ann

. Bonnie and I looked at each other, should

ride?" I

might both die sooner because of me. Just drive low, do

which bubble car was not hit by a bullet. It looks like some terrorists have come here, there are some bubble cars with gunshot

side and I was insulted because there was even a payment before it sta

me! This is all I have left that I go

oins we have. I breathed a sigh of relief when it came to lif

nd I widened our eyes and squeezed hard. Fortunately, thebubble car works even though it's not on the track th

nnie!" Bon

there's a rail for bubble cars, it's hard to run when it's not on the lin

We were both really nervous and scared. Maybe later we

h our bubble car! I'll fix you for the rest of my life!" Bonnie sho

ng shot at and it's hard to dodge! When you throw up, I

oor. It had a hole in it, I thought t

he 'beep' sound of this bubble car started to sound. That's why it wasn't used by those who parke

his is it!" Bonnie shouted, lo

ed up breaking the chin so Bonnie and I were able to lift our feet. We st

ea was so strong that it felt like my stomach

t difficult for us to run and escape. First we need to find a place to rest. In the case of the current state

Let's run again!

w it away after he finished it. Gross!, throw up the drink directly from it

bout to run out of b

un in the distance so my nervousness reached the sky. We are d

ts with captured civilians. Bonnie and I immediately

going now?"

ing, I don't think they will blow up this part because theterrorists are also here. Your theory earlier was corre

times makes sense," I whispered to h

ly stopped Bonnie from moving and we both landed. The wall o

nnie aske

can hear and see us. Let's go here first,

rrorists, we got even closer and squeezed in at the end. I found a d

e, it's too dangerous here wh

our foot. Then you go first and I'll crawl

s sliding door in and we went inside. I even saw the enemies glance in o

are. I saw a locked door so I frowned. I took the bolt cutter to the side and had Bonnie help me break it out. We wi

los? Why don't they just make them? Craig is also known for its i

wn the stairs to get out of this building. It's really dangerous if we run anyway, we need to find Avalon s

n I saw the Avalon soldiers in the distance. Bonnie and I imme

nning for a while!" we

e were black and white among them. They are also wearing blue army u

om?" the man who looked like the

explosion started and that's when we found out that there were terrorists. Let's get out of

protect us. They said we are going to a park because their rescue vehicles are there. Bonni

wned because the cars here didn't have the Avalon l

out to run when these terrorists grabbed us.

ted while look

me car. They just tossed us ins

postors and traitors in this country. But Avalon is fine. Why are there people who

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