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She Saved Me

Chapter 5 V

Word Count: 2329    |    Released on: 02/01/2024


hey will just snap my neck. It's the same with Bonnie, we're both pregnant. She was unconscious because of her nervousness earlier. Fortunately

escape. The vehicle we were riding in started moving. It looks like a black delivery truck. I tried to get close to Bo

t get out, they will surely kill us or experiment on us

I stumbled. Fortunately, my foot was untied but the ride we were riding was so shaky that it was dangerous to s

hing. We were the only two in the truck. Bonnie and I's belongings were taken by fake s

nteed to be close. I immediately gro

ked nervously. He is conscious. Finally, h

ning with this girl because she is very nervous.

ure if they are bad. All I know is that they are considered terrorists. We have to escape from here to as soon as possibl

lly stuck. What should

f I had known, we would



holding us are being bombed. Maybe we can empathize! How

re we were. We have also kicked everything that can be ki

," Bonnie said suddenly af

heAvalonian Army would think that there might be some

one we're riding in flips over, we can hold on to someth

the wall. We both held on and hugged. Our eyes widened when the part with

red citizens. Hurry up and come with us if you don't want the thre

and we immediately approached the soldier. When I saw what we w

can't jump much! How

f you can't cross, you'll die anyway!" sh

. It was 8 feet away from us so I was sure we couldn't cross. When the soldiers s

orted by the soldiers who were waiting. We breathed a sigh of relief because we ha

rescued people. Get these two water!" s

time to die when you're a bad weed. Especially

wild grass. I'm just Bermuda grass," I joked, ma

s. There were three children here, two adult

The fear I feel has subsided. I'm really gratefuland someone ca

are harmed, I really cannot forgive those terrorists. They have caused t

about to take us to the rescue center, the safezone. What happened in thecity was terrible and it was

m therescue center until you return to the city. You will also be given there of supplies and something to eat. Those of you who know each other can get together. Five peop

der how Project Melosis doing? Could terrorists have stolen the learning we gathered? I hope not

me bread earlier. Please wipe your face with these wipes. Your beautiful

nded over. I turned to look at his beautiful granddaughter with blon

riends, we're both pregnant. Thank you again. It's really hungry for the two of us to

nothing, grandchildren. Go ahead and eat and wipe. We're just resting like every

ace and body are already dry. I want to take a shower later if I can. I don't

It's crackers with sugar and butter. It's delicio

s have not saved much, we will still give birth and eat. We still need baby

ed and strong, our economy will not collapse immediately. Let's jus

dy is smiling. It's n

up a while ago and that's why I threw up too. You're

iers barricaded outside and it had very high gates and metal walls. It's guarante

his is one of the head counts to find out how many were rescued and who was who. I hope the injured are not serious. If only it

ormation and you will be given a number. Your cubicle will

rst. Bonnieand I went down next. We followed Comma

o are pregnant. What is your name and occupatio

los. I have been living here in Avalon, Equinoxia for a long t

mmander West

er in Project Melos. I also live here in Avalon, Equino

e. We passed some soldiers handing out food so we both begged. We were reprimanded be

here is also a bathroom inside and clothes. They built it immediately, it was not impossible

rst, Bonnie. Find a pl

can eat," Bonnie instru

nd a white t-shirt, but I took the blue satin sleeping dress because I am pregnant

Lyn entered our room. The two of them will continue here as well. They were

. They gave us porridge with egg and a sandwich stuffed with mayonnaise an

so many were resc

eople injured and killed. Why are there poor so

things I just experienced. Even the other things that I thought about b

s on an international channel," Bonnie grabbed my a

ed and those who lost their homes. It is estimated that more than fifty million dollars have been damaged in thecity's

What did the people living in Avalon do to make them do this? They h

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