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Life After Life

Chapter 3 The girl in the woods

Word Count: 1210    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

he stranger's hands on his mis

now, from the past where they both locked lips drilled and socked in

the men got her, sweeping her off her feet and placing he

't want to be a hazirah_ let m

commotion, as they were surrounded by Lord guards, on

f their armor says they wer

er of the Guards threw rocks at him. Gallant bared his teeth to pounce and the man drew his swo

ton ordered Gallant. He stayed put bu

he wanted to know what a bunch of lord g

d stepped forward. “You ask on what grounds?” commander Ned asked as he took the

prince Anton heir to the t

ce, Areya was amazed, the man in her dreams is a prince. He

her. Even if they met in a good time, would he have wanted her? Does he see her in his dreams the way she

d she was just a farm girl. He may never want her. When the prince said “Rise” , she seized the moment to run

enough, the hard hand g

to make free, but he held

but the lady must come with us…..

struggling red hair, who's blue e

e rules when a man behold an hazirahs, his head get chopped off. “ Not y

eing offered, a

et me go, please, I don't want to be a H

father, lord Seph, offered her as p

irah should be by choice. But these traditions have been on for centuries, he plans to make away with m

s ready to step on toes he will do so as a ki

. Anton couldn't give the word , they were heavy he f

is way, not saying a word for the men to proceed. Immediately, the man holding Areya swept her up and mounted her on the horse, climbed behind her and rod

should love and protect her ,stood by and watched her being taken. She wept not

d struggling and cried in the arm

deep, hurt, pains from within and they came out with a sharp headache.

he beast. There is something about her, something in her , in her eyes and voice that feels comforting to Anton, when he touched her, the feel of her seemed familiar. When

e wondered what it meant to her. He could have sworn he heard himself say “by the

e of it. Luis, he had wandered far away from him and their travel party; the king an

it back to the path that leads to his travel party, he thought again about

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