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Life After Life

Chapter 4 The gifts

Word Count: 1201    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

gates were received in a big recept

ine and fats of bulls and lamb and they made merry. The Lords brought their wives and family to join in the feast. Meat wa

m, he saw Luis half drunk in the company of two w

ep on an empty cold bed” Luis comments, sta

his brother and his love for wine and women.

ful women” he laughed and his ladies

this, you will get more

” he said out loud as he ente

ht of the redhead's blue eyes and re echoing voice. In the morning the men gathered. Men of Lords, noble and royals as the negotiating begins. Compromises are being made on the side of the Lords

ins or risk an invasion.”

tax to the king, '' Lord Raph, after a br

subjects_” Anton who was getting tired of the back and for

who was head of the king's council

r to the king,” he said,

would you do that?” Lor

ing to give half of what they made,it is a good offer,if t

of them Lord Phipps would g

hated Anton as much as he had hated his fathe

heir to the throne o

not much his power as crown prince. Prince Luis stood, moved to Anton

e take word to the king so be it” lord phipps siz

the time comes be long and filled with plenty” lord Raph

diamond, other precious stones, clothings of purple and gold and the bes

her, he tried to tell with her stature but they were three with the same size and built. Then he remembered the only way he could tell it was her. “By the rising of the sun on your ankle” the voice echoed in his ears. He looked down,the veils ending at their ankles. So he looked for one to the next still he found her. She was in the middle. Although she was veiled he felt her eyes on him like she knew he had found her. Areya couldn't take her eyes off him , when they were led in and sh

tinued to look at the one hazirahs he was sure was the red hair, his red hair. When the delegates and lord bid farewell, Anton exc

fore a guard shut the door to the slain. Where is her beast of a

been hiding and walked towards prince Anton like heard him call on him in his thoughts. Anton

were here all night?” He asked to comfort the dog as he strok

done. I will watch her now_ we will get he

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