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A Chance With The PTSD Billionaire

Chapter 5 Good People Should Live

Word Count: 1151    |    Released on: 20/03/2024



, 2:30 pm Dr.

know, you had been sick all this while and taking care of me.

ur grandma was a good fighter. It's just right about the tim

declare her de

her? Elizabeth asked… I would pa

ntain as much as I can. I'm sorry, take heart!

t grandma. Grandma, Mom, and Dad, everyone died. What should I do? It seems my world is crumbling.

d anything wrong although she hadn't gone there for over a week. Who knows what happened because she ne

e you okay?

sleep much last night. But I'

at all. Do you have problems at work or are your

r age and your questions ar

andmother wasn't strong at all but she felt she'd be alrigh

before I return back to

love to talk to you about a

it of awkwardness in the atmosphere… sh

rt generally wi

ed asked again, are

t, a daughter-mother relationship discussion with

your act today. Hope you are not leaving me alone t

ghts, I mig

o tell you how happy I am to have the best daughter, you grew up so well. Do you have any challenges I can ha

l answer your questions, she said while

I barely sleep at night. It's tough without mum and dad. I want to be able to keep pushing even though it is diff

ad. Same as me too. I do not want you to ever be frustrated at whatever decis

nd upset. I lost my family. Ain

nowing fully well that I have you right beside me. Don't lose f


y through, be positive about yourself, and belie

best for me?” Maria a

it for yourself too. What you can do for whoever you care a

? I want to be able to do it at all times

best for me, I love you so

o Grandma,” Ma

promise me you will work on it and it will never

l never let my temper hurt me or anyon

ies. It's okay to cry and yell too. You do have to buckle up your emotions

erstand” Ma

cious amount of pr

ater and my analgesics, m

d into the house to fetch some

r Maria's higher education. At least if she can not support her physically and emotionally or live enough to see her graduate. She can help her financially to overcome encumbrances she might encounter in the

tears to roll down as she s

's heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest, the


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