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A Chance With The PTSD Billionaire

Chapter 2 Maria’s Phobia

Word Count: 1022    |    Released on: 20/03/2024


r grandmother, Mrs. Adams, Maria has since been haunted by nightmares of that fateful day whenever it rains. Despite her fears, Maria is a soft-spoken, warm-hearted, and resilient girl. She e

rattle violently, trees and branches sway,

nders, sitting up in bed and wrapp

can't let the rain soak the couch and other household items."

m, she keeps the lights on unti

it slips from her grasp due to the

, but catches the lamp just in

k to wash the blood from a cut on her index finger. "I need a bandage,"

e told her: "If you have problems, no matter how hard, just keep going

andma will be home soon,

y awake, Maria dozes off,

d Mrs. Adams walks in, immediat

out softly. "I’m so sorry for co

d a terrible dream, reaches out f

ed," Mrs. Adams replies,

ake it home early. Was there a problem at work? There was still time to g

he rain delayed me, but I’ve just been very

ner yet. I was waiting f

you had slept and I couldn’t wake you until morning? Be careful

with you as a fam

y instructions. I know what I’m doing. Do you understand?" Mrs. Adams re

ited and feels a pressing need t

nges with a full stomach than to be depressed and hungry," she thinks as she heads to the bathroom, her knees ac

both her mother and grandmother, c

pancakes and milk,

ves dinner. "Grandma, I’m done.

this looks delicious. Let’s

ria respon

. I hope I’m chosen. If we win, we can get some money for your knee balm and painkillers, or you can see a do

of us, and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be with you until I walk you down the aisle. That will be the happiest day of my life. Thank you for prioritizing me,

a doctor, right

at her and smiles.

taste? Did you enj

I’m always proud of you. I’ll correct you when you’re wrong and pr

Grandma," Ma

able and get some rest,

sponds, lost in thought

onger," Mrs. Adam

t have to stress herself for me anymore. I wan


sure you wake up early for school. The

y alarm," M

are deep in their own thoughts, p

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