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A Damsel in Distress

Chapter 10 

Word Count: 2029    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

nghis chosen sport, allowing neither wind nor weather nor anyexternal influence to keep him from it. There is a story, with ane

emight have sealed him for her own; but that was no reason forblinding himself to the fact that his long game was bound to sufferif he neglected to keep himself up to the mark. His first act onarr

rged the same long young man whom, a couple of days earlier, hehad seen wriggle out from underneath the same machine. It wasReggie Byng's habit also not to allow anything, even love, tointerfere with

before somewhere at some time orother, and Reggie had the pleasing disposition which cau

llo! Hullo!"

rning," sa

robe him, to collect from him insideinformation as to the progress of events within the castle walls;but it is a peculiarity of golf, as of love, that it temporarilychanges the natures of its victims; and Reggie, a confirmed babbleroff the links, became while in action a stern, silent, intentpe

aid George modestly. "Sometimes I sliceas if I were cutting bread and can't putt to hit a haystack.""Let me know when one of those times comes along, and I'll take youon again. I don't know when I've se

adrink on your way?""A ripe scheme," agreed ReggieTen minutes in the grey car ate up the distance between the linksand George's cottage. Reggie Byng passed these minutes, in theinterva

ld be a rather sound scheme to settle down inthis sort of shanty and keep chickens and grow a honey colouredbeard, and have soup and jelly brought to

's wife nextdoor."An exclamation from the other caused h

Chappie?"George found himself unequal to t

bout me?""Is there what!" Reggie's manner became solicitous. "I say, my dearold sportsman, I don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings

m to be discussing yourprivate affairs, and

illy; and on top ofall that you come here and camp out at the castle gates! Naturallythe family are a bit peeved. Only natural, eh? I mean to say,what?"George listened to this address in bewilderment. Maud in love withhim! It sounded incredi

What on earth do you mean?"Reggi

musthave told you. Why, she told me!""Told you? Am I going mad?"

eproceeded with to some conclusion. A fellow couldn't go on talki

, "you'llprobably think it deuced rummy of me talking like this. Perfectstranger and what not. Don't even know each ot

atch comes in--I'm most frightfully in lovewith somebody else. Hopeless, and all that sort of thing, butstill there it is. And all the while the mater behind me with abradawl, sicking me on to propose to Maud who wouldn't have me if Iwere the only fellow on earth. You can't imagine, my dear old chap,what a relief it was to both of us whe

seemed to sprout fromReggie's shapely shou

aper seemed mode

whisky and soda. It was th

fficult to say anything. Regg

venstart. She seems to sort of gaze through me, don't you know. Shekind of looks at me as if I were more to be pitied than censur

e, in his new-born happiness, found a pl

ought to do is to--""Ye

shook h

on't know,

, dash it!"

ge pon

r instance. What is there about me tomake a wonderful girl love me?""Nothing! I see what you mean.

another game one of these days,what?""Splendid. Any time you like.""Well, so long.""Good-bye."George gave himself up to glowing thoughts. For the first time inhis life he seemed to be vividly aware of his own existence. Itwas as if he were some newly-created thing. Everything around himand everything he did had taken on a strange and novel interest. Heseemed to notice the ticking of the clock for the first time. Whenhe raised his glass the action had a curious air of newness. Allhis s

rying," said Reggie.

Reggie withdrew, and presently ca

turned to h

ently he was aware of a small boystanding beside him--a golden-haired boy with blue eyes, who worethe uniform of a page. He came out of his trance. This,

!" said

lphonso!" s

note for yer. From Lidy Mord.""You'll find some cake and ginger-ale in the kit

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