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The Primrose Ring


Word Count: 3071    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

hearing, she tore up the stairs, her cheeks crimson and her eyes suspiciously

he big-brother way of old-"I wish you'd wait a moment. Th

allic ring in her voice that made it unnatural

of the few prayers of his life-a prayer to keep Margaret MacLean fr

ear you're sorry. I don't want to hear they'll be taken care of-somewhere-somehow. I thin

hose things-in fact, they hadn't even

wasn't it?" And there was a strong touch of irony in her laugh. She turned on him crushi

at's the second disagreeable thing you've said t

is impulsively. "I don't know why I keep saying things

h hands, turned them palm

took both hands, turned them p

t fiercely. "If-if they send the children away I shall never believe in anything again; the part of me that has believed and trusted and been glad will stop-it will break all

turned and went

board, likewise, had discovered that Saint Margaret's had suddenly grown too small to hold both the Senior Surgeon and himself. Strangely enough, this troubled him littl

eon's commonplace acceptance of the board's decision;

tside of Ward C for her cheeks to cool and h

anopied every crib and cot; beneath, eight small figures, covered to their noses, shook with held-back sobs or wailed softly. According to the custom that had unwittingly established itself, Ward C was crying itself to sleep. Not

and there was a stolid, expressionless set to his features. Margaret MacLean knew that it betokened much internal disturbance. Susan, ex-philosopher, was sobbing aloud, pulling with rebellious fingers at the pieces of iron that kept h

c croon of an Irish reel. Every once in a while her eyes would wander to the neighboring cots with the disquiet of an over-troubled mothe

ruel to strike at souls so little and helpless as these. There were things one could never explain in terms

oom her mind groped about-after its habit-for something cheerful, something that would break the colorless monotone

e children will never find that out, and they'll be so

the stairs again, just as

stees stirred in their chairs with a comfortable relaxing of joint and muscle, as if to say, "There, that is a piece of business well despatched; nothin

That gentleman of charitable parts had implied that there would undoubtedly be good news and congratulations awaiting him. This did not mean that the board intended to slight its duty and fail to consider the matter of the incurables with due conscientiousness-th

easily mistaken the meeting for a successful political rally or a religious revival. The Youngest and Prettiest Truste

t of the board-at least, practically unanimous." And

y, haven't they? I can't help feeling it will mean quite a load off our minds." It

wice-thrice-about the

e bark

ave always wanted things, and had them, that they had no business want

o object, however, in making concessions and sacrifices to keep in the hospital cases that cannot be cur

ch apart. "I believe I'm going to decorate you." And she dimpled up at the Senior Surgeon, coquettishly. Selecting one of the blossoms with great care, she drew

he two. "She'll fetch him this time. And she'll have him so hypnotized with all this

alous," she flung over her shoulder. But the very next moment she was dimpling again. "I believe I am going to decorate everybody-including myself. I'm su

wl; and one was fastened securely in the lapel or frill of every

erson. Moreover, they went home at precisely three minutes and twenty-two seconds past seven by the clock on the tower-the astronomical time for the sun to go down on the 30th of April. Crack we

he Golden Primrose; and there, at the foot of the stairs, he ran into Margaret MacLean. They faced each other for the merest fr

he began, by way of explanation. His teeth ground together angrily; he sounded absurd

r have discovered the prettiness of anything by himself-

elf-confessed blush lent speed to her tongue. "I think I might be privileged to ask what it was for. You

more impertinent than any nurse I have ever known. M

to be no limit to the thoughts that could come tumbling off the

because they seemed the very breath of spring itself-a bit of pro

d the Senior Surgeon could n

put out a steadying hand on the banisters-"y

leasant and patient toward the one who had not succeeded. "It was something that was bound

he girl before him. He realized that Margaret MacLean had grown into a vital and vitalizing personality-a force with

" he found hi


sily to the other foot. "I

aken from me the only thing I ever let myself want-the love and dependence of those children. Success, and having whatever you want, are

for that. I should have been very glad to have you remain in the new surgical ward; you are one of the best operativ

. I was not referring to the loss of my po

cally executed, before everything else. That is where you are radically weak. Let me remind you that it is your sole business to look after the p

is all that children need-or half the grown-ups. There are more people ailing with mind-sickness and heart-sickness, as well as body-sickness, than the world woul

n the eyes of the Seni

, grew gentle-a

urses or the doctors or the trustees thought to bring. And then make believe you were cured and grew up. Wouldn't you remember what life had been in that hospital crib, and wouldn't you fight to make it happier for the children coming after you? Why, the incurable ward was my whole life-home, family, friends, work; everything wrapped up in nine little crippled bodie

preparatory to making some comment, b

en pay double-treble as much. I pay only with my heart and faith; they pay with their whole

ame out of the board-room a few seconds later with the

n the primroses, on the table in the center of the room she caught Bridg

is it,

ive me leave to talk quiet I'd have

mise not to ma

have 'em all asleep quicker

She stooped, brushed away the curls, and kissed the little white forehead. "

ridget; and she watched the

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