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Demon Alpha's Human Mate(Destined to Kill the Bride)

Demon Alpha's Human Mate(Destined to Kill the Bride)

Author: Neosmart

Chapter 1 Emily's Crush

Word Count: 2359    |    Released on: 12/01/2024

rowd cheered without cease. They all seemed to be

t that led from the exit to the stage.

ance to the flashlights that stormed repeatedly at him. It was a golden wristw

and with ele

owards the stage. He gave a wry smile that made him look cute. He dr

und him and papers ordering for autograph kept persuadi

ose from his pocket and kissed it. Then he stretc

escaped the hands of many and rejected most but, as it has been raised agai

er sleep as she positioned

e. She groaned and jerked up from the bed. It was so s

lled the duty of waking her

m? Of course, it was Evan, her celebrity crush whom she was dreaming a

her arms and stretched

up her dress and make u

e bathroom, washed up and paced out quick

lieves she is an independent woman even though she barely fends f

dark hair. Her eyes were black in color a

m height but had l

ssing, it was a shoe of hers, on a day like this how can a shoe be missing? It wa

inderella's, only that there was no p

the situation on the ground, “searching for

her earliness to the interview, but now it looks

er than her search

d at almost half pastime, without wasting tim

ticing the people gazing at her. She swallowed hard when she

point, she couldn't control herself any longer, a

t into the room, she wore a purple rosette gown that

er p

pe, and so everything she

tist for a profession, for she wasn't good at

street quickly. This time, the people's gaze rose than be

d the lipstick which happened to be red had cr

seemed none stopped by, despite in

oor Emily fall to the floor. She managed to get up but still determined to go on, that was supp

g to rain. The pregnant sky as though waiting for Emily's signal showe

consistent rain increasing, if o

und a good spot to shelter

ht out her phone. The phone had little cracks o

spoke into

ting” The reci

n emergency I needed to

is for you because I know you, you should get here within a minute, or you

on which she stayed, tears popped out her eyes as though trapp

tears took over her face,

led 'EV' She preferred Evan, she had her whole rooms decorated with the pictures of Ev

fan, for she knew most things about him, e

wasn't giving to her. How could she spare her n

oad, she thought of nothin

rowd cheered without cease. They all seemed to be

gh a red carpet that led

ance to the flashlights that stormed repeatedly at him. It was a golden wristw

towards the stage. He gave a wry smile that made him look cute. He

owers flung around him and papers orderi

rose from his pocket and kissed it. Then he st

The rose escaped the hands of many and rejected most but as it has been raised

er sleep as she positioned

ace. She groaned and jerked up from the bed. It was so s

lled the duty of waking her

am? Of course, it was Evan, her celebrity crush whom she had been dyi

dress and make up i

e bathroom, washed up and paced out quick

as missing, it was a shoe of hers, on a day like this how can a shoe be missing? It

inderella's, only that there was no p

the situation on the ground, “searching for

her earliness to the interview, but now it looks

er than her search

d at almost half pastime, without wasting tim

ticing the people gazing at her. She swallowed hard when she

point, she couldn't control herself any longer, a

t into the room, she wore a purple rosette gown that

er p

pe, and so everything she

tist for a profession, for she wasn't good at

street quickly. This time, the people's gaze rose than be

d the lipstick which happened to be red had cr

seemed none stopped by, despite in

oor Emily fall to the floor. She managed to get up but still determined to go on, that was supp

g to rain. The pregnant sky as though waiting for Emily's signal showe

consistent rain increasing, if o

und a good spot to shelter

ht out her phone. The phone had little cracks o

spoke into

ting” The reci

n emergency I needed to

is for you because I know you, you should get here within a minute, or you

on which she stayed, tears popped out her eyes as though trapp

tears took over her face,

led 'EV' She preferred Evan, she had her whole rooms decorated with the pictures of Ev

fan, for she knew most things about him, e

wasn't giving to her. How could she spare her n

oad, she thought of nothin

, she fainted on sightin

, she fainted on sightin


, she fainted on sightin

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