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The Lycan King's Hidden Princess

Chapter 4 Mate

Word Count: 2586    |    Released on: 12/01/2024


e. Five whole years without seeing my parents and the pack and today wa

said Jackson, my best friend and

athe, driving past the all too familiar t

don’t lie” Lilly laughed from the back sea

when we were at your pack!” he exclaimed,

said back, making me smile at how good she got along with

instantly. As the only child and heir to her pack, she was sent t

e and being friends, we spen

ed to find our mates some day and would have to break up but I think we fell in

ckson, bringing me back to the conversation and I couldn’t

s the pack house came into view and our w

howled, making me and Lilly

Jackson literally jumped out of t

into his arms, the sight warming my heart as I s

nt I stepped out of the car. I wrapped my arms around her waist

aced her hands on my cheeks, looking at me with teary eyes, “my baby boy i

making me turn my gaze to him. Mom moved out of

aid as I hugged him

g to stand tall, his Alpha aura still as strong as ever an

ck. “It’s good to be home” I said looking at the massive pack house th

k at Lilly, holding out my hand for her to take. She walked to

…” I started saying

e!” she squealed, her eyes brig

at Lilly before looking back my parents, who’s

he question, her surprised gaze

asked, his frown deepening at the

I said, tightening my

significantly stronger with His true mate but we’re hoping the

er Alpha out so my parents could feel that she

u must be tired and hungry, come inside, lunch is ready and there is much

ing look before leadin

although there was a lingering sweetness in the air that had my wol

omegas brought out the food. It smelled good but nothing like that sweetness that lingered a

food be

t you two” dad said looking at Jackson and I, making

show them

th Silverlake” he said look


we made sure we were the standard everyone else was held up to. It was the reason why so ma

with a st

u” dad said, making my smile widen, k

d, teasing dad, who opened and closed his mouth like

fits of laughter and

ceremony tomorrow. Since they hadn’t planned for me to come back with someone, there are s

oom, and although it was already fading, it was en

ant and I had to find a way to ditch Lilly t

s it” I said, looking around my room, trying hard to not take a deep breathe; even tho

sitting at the edge of the bed. “Uhm, that on

the intention of going into the bathroom and I

hy did that sou

ar, I’ll be right back” I said, already walking backward to the

ing our mate, we’ve waited our entire lives for thi

looked back at my bedroom door, g

led, trying to push forward but I held him back. “I know that, but we

w this person and here

y and fruit, a hint of wild flowers the more I breathed it in and it was driving me mad

mate be in the kitchen at this ti

I had stopped moving. As enticing and compelling as it was to find

sh forward but I was strong and I wasn’t about

ack upstairs and go on with life like I’d planned, make Lilly my Lu

ir fated mate but I’m not just any wolf; I’m an Alpha and

as then my decision would be e

anking wolves could do and made sure to make a little

e when I got there an

y target was and when recognition finally hit me in the face, I quickly pull

ll the wolves in this fucking world, the goddess paired

ental block I had put up to keep him away and now he was h

made me whip around so fast, I

ad to steer her away from the kitchen. I don’t know how long she’d been watc

, looking at me with that wheels turning in her head stare she gets

s she looked behind me and tur

mind link dad and tell him we’re ready to start discussing my cerem

rolled his eyes and I forced

own as I sat her down in one of the chai

finally going to be Alpha” I said

to follow your scent out here” Lilly said join

at I was looking for and sin

na ceremony tomorrow” I sai

ny second now, please sit”

ascension ceremony, well, more like Lilly and my parents discussed e

iful built body, her long legs, pale skin that looked soft to the touch. Her e

it and acted like an ass” Asher rolled his eyes, havin

n up and come down for your welcome party, the pack has been buzzing with excitement at the return of

d I just followed like a lost p

” she squealed as we entered my room and went st

just a little longer, trying to clear my thoughts but Lilly kept nagging me abo

e was probably at home, being an outcast k

tter but also gave me piece of mind knowing I still h

with my pack, it’s been a long time and even though Asher was still naggi

sniff her out, one of the empty rooms on the Alpha floor suddenly opened an

d I stood frozen, drown

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