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My Mate, My Hate

Chapter 7 Seven

Word Count: 1606    |    Released on: 13/01/2024


sks me when Logan has left. "Did he

e Logan disappeared to. I am still trying to digest what just happened. He stopped me from reject

en interested. Tell me what's going o

rmur and turn to look at her.

g? Am I missing the point here?" Penny throws her arms dramatically in the air. I don'

will tell you ever

king out loud. I am sitting on my bed wat

ur father. He might be hot, tall, rich, handsome, and a million other things, but that can't be ignored.

going to do?

alized he is my mate. I almost did it today, in his face, but he just had to force me into a kiss so that I don't f

you despite the atmosphere around you. Can't you se

t too but what if he doesn't truly want me as his mate?

y not be romantic but perhaps asking you to meet him tonigh

side? You are my best friend so you s

d I am burning with jealousy that you get to have the most powerful alpha. Thirdly, the guy is too hot to reject, girl! I am stil

of time together so there is no need to be jealous of him. Besides, he is still my mate so don't even

all wear for tonight. We've got to seduce that beast, you will come back home with his

ant to remain with the assurance that

. She drags me into my walk-in closet and we start looking for a dress. I don't know whether I

g so hard to be the best friend I don't deserve. I know whatever sh

The hotel name kept ringing in my head from the time I heard it. I

ed for a short white dress with big black stripes and black high heels. We styled my hair into waves that cascaded down my shoulders. The dress cuts into a sexy V that shows off a gli

urn him to ashes! He won't be able to keep his e

canning through me like I am some meal," I p

na be the meal, h

her off making her

bly fast in my chest when the door is opened. Logan is standing by the impossibly large glass window opposite the door. He looks so fucking handsome in a white long-sleeved shi

strides with a refined poise toward me. His scent floods my nostrils making my wolf aware of her mate's presence. He stre

nd runs up to my back. My breathing hitches when h

s lips crush onto mine without warning and he pulls me into a possessive kiss. He groans into my mouth and the sound is like a storm crushing all my senses and making me respond without holding anything back

ed in his embrace. His hand caresses my cheek in slow random strokes that send sparks down to my belly and then to my groin. He leans closer

s to me, pretty face," he says, and then holds my ha

follow him through the living room of the suite into its din

am dumbfounded by this gentleman in front of me. The way he showed how happy he was to see me and how calmly he is co

res while picking up the wine bottle

se. My throat feels dry. I hope

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