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My Mate, My Hate

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1766    |    Released on: 13/01/2024


she is a royal. I wouldn't let this opportunity slip straight into my hands. Carl and I laid down the

sion like a watcher, silently watching everything taking place beneath it. Blue Blood pack is hol

s," a voice

s princess on a few occasions, especially when her father was still alive. She was still you

a shuffle of cloth, and heavy breathing. Is she scare

hen take a long sip from the glass. I turn and lean toward the la

ing me. Very daring, I notice. She looks very fragile under the white cotton dresses and her hair f

n front of the door. She looks terribly scared like I have grown two heads on my neck. A take two more steps and her scent gushes into my nostrils like a hypnotizing smoke. My w

t have a breakdown. You had the audacity to cross a river to come al

and pocket my hands in my pocke

will have to talk to me," I tell her, getting the reaction I exp

" her voice is hasty and undoubtedly f

e," I tell her. She gasps and

n't forgive you," she threatens.

ure you are incapable of even harm

want from me?

her entire body until I am drunk with her scent. I am taken aback by how wayward my though

sure you are going to be here for some good hours," I tell her, pul

promised him I won't let you go without having a f

it and folds her hands in

this far. You don't have to involve my brother in this

s sister. You are worth a whole lot of ransom. Besides, you wouldn't want to know what I would

ansom? Am I kidn

ht yourself here, Arya. No one forced you to come to Blacktooth

aught a hare. It's not like we b

d that is against the rules that your pack a

ay back and watch the results of you

better off than my brother and I. Is it the gold that you

ent and listens intently. "Of course, I wouldn't refuse to help them. I maybe am ruthless but I wouldn't want to watch people starve to death and go around naked. They will start to depend on me, and then I would control them." I gaze with hunger at the naked skin exposed by the dress at the shoulders. My wolf stirs more powerfully and without thinking twice, I

the mate bond? If yes, then she is succeeding at hiding it. I would feel some relief if

t let her see me in this stupor

bedroom, tie her to it and claim exactly what belongs to me. I try to shake off my lustful thoughts in vain. The strengt

l happily keep you here and look into what conclusions yo

an? I am well aware you are a man who does not like to be delayed," she

what I have decided is better though it will delay. I can be patient sometimes," I tell he

rating the gold business, then I am afraid you are wrong,

rd to lose you," I tell her. " I know he will come here running when he hears of

u, bowing to you? It makes you feel almighty and powe

think whatever you wish. I won't justify myself. And just to be clear

puzzled. I take a sit in one of t

es. Those eyes bewitch me. It's like she can see straight through me. Like they can pierce through the stone wall I have built around myself for all these years. I pour in some more wine and gulp all of it down my throat, hopin

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