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Make Me Beg

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 14/01/2024

erything that was surrounding her was white. Her head was aching so much that she had to use

d the first words out of her mouth

might not be good for your baby." The nurse standin

oned, looking all c

knew that she was awake, she felt like she was in some trance that needed her to be fully awake some more. As she wondered when she got married,

already met nurse Pila, not so?" Dr. Bernard inquired and

he doctor says you should ha

Tiana told Dr. Bernard and from the look of things,

eed a lot of rest and some fruits. Your pregnancy is a complicated one,

en Lewis stopped her with a concerned look, he told her to listen to the doctor, and not to prove

about these things, I c

done, they could send for him, and he will be right back. Lewis was very okay with the idea, but Tiana, feeling like she was to be violated

d at her straight in the eyes, and the fear, mixed with the pain that he could see in them, said a lo

spent the night with

and lie and all she was feeling inside of her, that time was resentment and disgust for the opportunistic

ill ask you to abort it." A part said, and before she co

ce of income? He is the boss of the company where you work and

at there looking at her and waiting for her to answer his question with a y

orks in Tiana's department, Elodie was walking all around like some devil who had been free from hell, wond

g like that in her mind," Elodie spoke out with her fingers inside her mouth. To her, Tiana was not better than her

discover everything about Tiana, made her stand there

is spoke out from behind, and how Elodie had

left with your boss?" Elodie inquired

e I needed to take some things to Mr. Alv

was still in a state of shock, with her mouth

his company?" Elodie questioned herself, but that was a hard pi

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