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Make Me Beg

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1268    |    Released on: 14/01/2024

in the company lodge, and there were more comfortable than she had imagined. The silence between them was sickening but as far as

owards me now when it is obvious that we had something." Lewis thought to himself while keeping his gaze on the road and Tiana, only ha

better for me just to resign and go back to my suffering with my mom? Or do I try to wo

found very difficult to resist. Lewis and Tiana had arrived at the blithe the leadingeadingngre she stays, and without any

least walk

strong bond between them beyond what was originally binding them, insisted on remindi

I take my work seriously." Tiana let out those words in a polite tone but the anger that was in them could b

yboy, but this time he had met his perfect match who was not going to be s

as far as he was concerned, he had found the one fo

d to do that to her. Her life was almost getting on track, but there she was, stuck

ouch, and with all tiredness that sh

and how she was going to take care of him. It was going to be a difficult journey a

d not find Tiana in the apartment but they knew for sure that she w

ot wanting to say anything out of the blue, said that maybe she might have fai

saying, that the reason why she had stopped walking with Tiana was that she sl

e carries herself like someone who does none of that," Stella muttered,

ns at the time though it was linked to one thing. Hoping for the best, Lewis was bent on doing everything just got he

ded to his salutation. She had a bang from last night, but she needed to get to work, and as she was taking the tu

ployees gossiped behind her back, making her feel so bad. Tiana was shocked at the rumors that were going on, and she could not handle it

aid regaining their place, but Lewis wa

this early morning?" He polled, but her

nd the rest of the staff gazed at them in awe. Tiana was not feelin

own on his seat and asked again what the

resign from

if I ma

s have been gossiping about but Lewis not wanting to beat about

out the pr

ed with a question, and Lewis sh

ng that happens in my co

and Lewis, Cleading up his thr

ou are willing to take it, then I wil

me?" Her mind is on her and with a faint v

his words came out like a bomb, leavin

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