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Émie's Hell

Chapter 5 ÉMIE

Word Count: 1533    |    Released on: 19/01/2024


I confess that, despite being a stranger, he ha

nt and didn't ask many questions or start conversations. My lack of atte

or a moment I almost fell asleep right there, but

you will. "Welcome, make yourself comfortable. I'm going to take a shower, it's just the two of us,


n were hugging each other, looking at the other's face and smiling, as if there were a lot of feelings involved there. The house was a little far from the city, there were walls around it and a beautiful garden around the entire house, it looked like something from a movie and… he must have been very rich. The walls were made of glass, covered with gray

t you can go to sleep." At the moment I had no othe

I said there is work to be done in the


unk, laughing and wa

in a place like this, how I started this man so recently and already gave him trust and

ve literature." It was my last attempt to find out something about him, even if it was about his mother being alive or whether he had sisters. And when

ted and since then I've dedicated myself only to my

an have problems, but what's the point of living without living? Just bei

my mother, I no longer feel like even going to some party, or celebrate something. Everything lost half its meaning, as if it were the basis for my happin

depends on third parties to be felt, after all, what's the logic in that? You place all your expectations

inevitable not to get lost in my words, for a

, I shouldn't have gone through your things." shame was something that completely dominated me

re." Abruptly, he got up, picked up t

I was getting a little drunk, forget it! I'm completely lucid a

or me to understand what that photo, that woman, really meant... "I th

c environment and trust me, it's ugly. I don't think I'll ever be able to talk about it, because it's something I haven'

e subjects and I was enjoying it all. Michael seemed to be rude, but he was just a

od night, just forgive me for having to make you stay up all night." I s

awkwardly, tying my hair in a bun right after. "Come on, let's go somewhere more comfortable, we're

o wear, besides, we have

ong time, it's all thanks to almost killing y

ons, chairs suspended from the ceiling and right in front, with a glass railing, a jacuzz

something for both of us,

Michael humming in the kitchen and even though I knew it would be dangerous for a woman to walk the whole way from here to the city it would be long, but I still needed to work. I continued on my way without looking back, and unfortunately my cell phone was dead and I didn't have a charger in my bag. The sun was risin

d your mom said you weren't there…" Betsy kissed me on th

the only person I can tell about my life. I've missed you so

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