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Émie's Hell

Chapter 3 ÉMIE

Word Count: 1569    |    Released on: 19/01/2024


my parents to leave and went to the bathroom t

scratched, and my whole body ached. Luckily, it was raining, so I could bundle up well and cover my body better. For a moment, I found myself thinking about the guy from the car; perha

you could stay after closing today to remove the dust from the books and shelves.

e when you need me," Mrs. Emília was generous with me, she

job. There were two envelopes with 200 dollars each, which was a

ooped up in here all day was the best thing in the world. I don't know anyone better

wanted to be forever; I still held out hope for a positive response from one of

coffee and tea to serve whoever wanted some. I was pouring a cu

as unsettling, but I was still under the influence of the medicatio

day, reread Romeo and Juliet, I know you've already read it!" He looked intelli

in evoke sad

t of him and stopped at the counter, observing the constant stre

, pl

ing the first pages. Who is this man, after all? His glasses made him even sexier, with an intell

table and turned away, feeling his

If it's not bother

ixture of wood and alcohol. Finally, someone wanted to rent a book and needed the seal, and I had to do it. I got up quickly, and before I could step away, I felt him touc

y!" She smiled, th

he book was back on the shelf, and his cup was


o the shelf. About half an hour later, there were about five empty shelves, and there were a total of 17 shelves, not counting other antique pieces that also stored books. I took a deep breath and went to work. My nose itched every second I felt the dust entering my nostrils, so to avoid that, I put my shirt over my face, and thus I could clean most of the shelves without sneezing and without dust. After a few hours, everything

I was shivering from the cold. A lightning bolt had just struck very close to where I wa

ut when the window rolled down and he showed himself, I felt

t about hesitating and saying no, but I couldn

seat with care not to wet the car seat. I pla

r taking me home instead of to the hospital," I said in a low voi

ght disdain in his tone. "I should have taken you to a hosp

end so many hours lost in books that I don't e

led you to work in that library?" His question was somewhat unanswered becaus

looked at me and shook his head afterward

orward with the momentum. I felt his careful yet intimidating pair of eyes on me. "These bastards should look be

, and luckily, they needed someone who

?" Besides being curious, he was also a

ld hire a problematic pe

wrong, but that's what I see when I look at

speak up; I didn't want to arrive home late. I didn't want to hear any more useless things. "If you don't mind,

r drop you off at home. You c

ot very c

or words to convin

houldn't even be here. If you don't min

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