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Fighting Faith

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2473    |    Released on: 20/01/2024

life depended on it, actua

and that's what I'm doing. She was falling behind; I don't understand how could I

in sync. I couldn't hear their mind like I w

they catch her I couldn't contin

ing against the trees

ing. If they get to you; everyone is lost' I

g to the end, I knew something bad was going to happen and it was all because of me. Will

e frontier. T

es and then it

r crying. There was no a

all alone in this world and that I couldn't continue

est knowing I lost the only

steps and I didn't know if I was goin

n earth cursed me with the

couldn't find any point in running. My emotions were clouding my judgement, I heard a symphony over my head playing as I i

the waves were crashing against me and pulling me deeper into sadness.

place, I felt like an overwhelming sorrow was taking me eve

ll me before about this? I would've been more careful. I wouldn't even g

all my birthdays. She was my one, I couldn't do this with anyone else. She was my support

going, life mean

d an open wound I couldn't close, my chest was




be strong for everyone when I

rock; she

ven cry? I wanted to cuddle and cry my eyes out. This was not happening to

ng my throat but I pushed, at least I can give one last

l I heard a thud against a tree, I even heard some branches breaking, but I couldn't have sent her so far. As she flew away

dn't be able

end up my suffering or help me get through this, my

f with red eyes. He saved me the other

ing already feeling the other wolf's fangs touching my throat but I couldn't stop looking at the black wolf, both of o

shook his head, I could tell he was confused.

en and I can tell he felt it too. A saw hesitation in his e


repeated lo

heir heads, the black wolf gained the confidence again and w

tand it, 'Stop

the wolf on top of me whimpered staying away fr

myself' he was letting me live only so he coul

treated with their tai

know how I did it but I was crying, I w

s just died saving me and I gave up, I couldn't continue and

so much" I begged between my cries, I

how his look made me warm and gave me chills at the same time. I haven't felt like this with no one else in my entire life. I thought what I was starting to feel

agonizing flam

th frustration "Moon goddess, is this my father

e? Was I the Moon goddess? Was that why grams said I needed to s

en more. My breathing was still irregular, I couldn't seem to control my heartbeats eve

child" I heard

pty and exhausted. I was just silently waiting for my end. Waiting for hi

no matter what" I heard someone e

run through me until the caress stopped; that was the only form of

owner of the voice say, the only voice that could mak

ker without her,

ife running away to have it ending here?

ild, he didn't sound

ribcage, his touch and tonight's

now who this question wa

was the other

couldn't feel anything anymore and the rain that stopp

ift again?" were t

n't know anything. You can tell by the way she's react

acknowledged me as hers" was the explanation from t

goodbye to his most

ive' I heard his voice inside my hea

elt my fur again, I felt taller, not str

will kill you. That's a

y he talked to me, it's

heard him say 'But you can't be found again, you need t

ldn't look at him, my eyes were stuck to the only person I could look at, the only one my hear

raction? Why was

still reading my mind. Why could

n his voice through my mind, he

motioning his head as no. But it was not actually denying the statement, it wa

find you here tomorrow' h

ue to his allegati

I needed to go

it, I'll kill you myself

everything I'm thinkin

rying to understand everything but nothing was coming along. He feels it too, I

eyes roaming arou

was he calling me little wolf

oice, this time I did look at him. I can't believe that th

red again to

s like his signa

m, what if this was just some kind of play? What if

I am yet still he had caused so much harm to me and my family, he broke ev

someone? Should I just bite him on the neck? Will

face displaying pure suffering, was I doing something

d I retreated, I couldn't think straight but the

n though I repeated his same threat, it allowed me to feel p

oice, there was silence again and knowing that

n until there w

I felt a part of me wa

h h

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