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Fighting Faith

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2828    |    Released on: 23/01/2024


ting her ass. To be honest I've been beating her ass f

went running away and I couldn

eather here in Florida. It was kind of complicated sometimes because when i

minded me the North was the

e reasons why I coul

e couldn't go either, she just mention

she would train me under was "no pers

ersonally, she has become the most impor

the sudden and my back hit

we go



e around three days running I haven't really slept or ea

gry, exhaust

e wa

have to rest, I have to shif

wolf die fro

sest house I could see had all the lights switched

ouldn't hold me anymore and I jus

n't know if I was starti

t go around a house withou

whimpered while standing up. Someone just shot m

at? Who was

and up. I'm not a regular wolf, wouldn't tha

hat the same people I tried to leave behind? Was this some kin

going colder when I was at a higher peak. I couldn't sense the pai

yself, I think I need to control m

in started turning. I tried to stay still putting my back against the walls

mixed together but for some reas

crawling and itching everywhere while my

ere was some light coming from the entrance. I was naked n

ng without a s

hit me. I should be running away my whole life now, if I wanted to live I need to

so I was entir

didn't have to work entirely on her own. But now, I couldn't help her, there was nothing I could d

today and

cave, I could hear a river flowing down the h

a small red mark near my ribcage. One

than a week's old, didn't

obable go to the river and dive for a while. I jus

aven is having a great life and honor her mem

I could fathom. I wanted to kill that bastard who p

thing that today f

getting clothes a

ty, asides from the deer that ran away whe

the water with

5 days, I'm trying to go as close as the South

hing me in between the trees. It was so good to feel the

ighteen was not the best thing that could have happened to me, I guess after waiting for it so much I wishe

t me so I dived instantly rememb

probably she was like 5 year

looked at her, she looked as she just ran away from her house. She was still

represent a threat to me after listening c

uldn't you be sleeping?" I asked her sm

re and hide until she comes for me when that happens" she

" I asked e

ever hit a woman. Much le

head and I sighed, it's not tha

where the little girl stood. She l

e asked and I remembered again

me some clothes?" I had to lower my

dn't move on without helping her, probably I was not good

me hanged clothes in the backyard so I didn't have to go

aths with anyone while walking, other

when we were getting closer to

were apparently men's clothing, but it wil

thrown some bottle against the door but we were just entering so I had to cover

losing control for a moment, but t

her hands over her ears telling her to sing "Twi

ooking at me, her mother was all beaten up

ing to hit me as well but with the super strength I r

tood front to him so I twisted his fist so his hand is

r holding her between her arms while c

to your curses" I said to him

e as I was holding his right hand against his

growled at him

e bit but it was okay, I just need him

dislocating his shoulder angry at men are always

e and daughter were just leaning against the wall with

ssed of the situation. "For your daughter's

girl saying when she let go of her mom's

anymore but I think he p

e hugging me. "Can you please stay until the cops ar

at the distance. They would still catch me i

no to a little girl. Not this little blond girl with shiny blue

ey were asking questions like if they knew me before this and the girl had to tell her

ficer asked for

, I got her some of my dad's cl

cer from the door walking towards us. "You're far

use" I answered angrily as they we

ttacking my grams and I. Then I'd have to go over that I'm also a s

he area from time to time, making sure everything is okay" when he sa

being in Georgia when I should be in

all of her toys and was really excited about it but I should co

er? I could prepare more girly clothes for you." H

I answered embarrassed not wanti

it was her mother who took my hand bringing

f saying when she got me

id excited now like the little girl. "Take

e and giving me privacy, probably they think I left my h

I took extremely long taking a shower

25, probably left her house to be with th

pancakes, eggs, juice, cereal and milk were all displayed for a

said devouring the food, I didn't know how fast I was eati

hel asked me worried whil

know that saving these girls would reg

" she said motherly to me and Allison just lau

g about Allis

as off today from school and they were planning on

I will no longer interrup

e a backpack for me to carry around but I refused even when I was in need for all that. "I

all this, I was actually causing them more problem now th

said embarrassed and blush

upplies for your trip" I don't know if she felt identified with me by t

I… c

. I don't think I could have been able to t

can stay

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