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Once Upon a Time-

Chapter 10 Chapter 9 Homecoming

Word Count: 2071    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

flowing down the f

no more and she can be rebirthed again. Tell us what to do! Offerings, sacrifices, or prayer rituals; we'll do anything. Even if my wife has to depend on the Taoist's talisman for the rest of her life, or, maybe you can shave off a few years of my life! Please, Master! I'll

ghter?' I waved my hand and said, 'No. It's a woman who is dead. But the matter is directly related to your predicament. Fostering a ghost means that you will burn offerings for her on the thirty-fifth day and the hundredth-day from the date of her death, as well as the anniversary of her death and Qing Ming fe

l be amnesiac if we were to merely summon back the fragments of her soul. To completely resolve the problem, we have to find out the reason that caused her memory loss and simulate the setting to jolt her memory. Still, we would first need to summon back her

me, hoping that I'll be able to introduce them to another close friend of mine, Nie Xiaojun, who is a famous doctor. There have been a great number of people who had asked for such favors of me. Thinking that they were no less different to those disturbing people, I yelled to them, 'Go! Get out of my sight! No matter what you came here for!!' Instead, Brother Hai and his son got up from their seats and turned to leave. He had barely

em, "Uncles and Aunties, please enjoy the meal as you listen to o

Father said to me, 'Call Uncle Quan. Tell him to close the Institute after the current session. We'll reimburse the students late

that I would be coming to him for help! He was avoiding me on purpose! Never anger a person who possesse

earlier today, young friend. Please do not mind my bad manners!' My father bade me to open the gates as he led Mr. Zhang in as he said, 'Please come inside. In truth, I am very much older than I look. I'll just take your compliments as applause for my youthful appearance.' Once inside, I made Mr. Zhang some tea, and my

. In fact, I had even rebuked many for being superstitious. But ever since meeting Brother Hai for the first time, I found that he has another pair of eyes; one that allows him to peer into the depths of one's heart and wring the truth and

id to Mr. Zhang, 'Call for Nie Xiaojun and Yang Xiaoshan. Have the

knew him! How did Brother Hai know their names and their involvement with the accident? When all was said and done, I began to realize that this was merely a sliver of wha

. Nie, you will only have to sit still and leave everything to me. You will neither have to say anything nor will you have to apologize. But Mr. Yang, you're the perpetrator of this accident. Hence I will need your agreement that you will fully consent to my requests. You wil

ith Mr. Zhang and Mr. Nie trailing behind. But my father said nothing. He turned and tugged at Yang Xiaoshang, pulling him to the front to meet Mr. Liu and barked at him, 'On your knees! Call him Uncle!' Liu Wenhua, perplexed, instantly gestured for a pause with a time-out hand signal commonly used in basketball games as he exclaimed, 'Wait a minute! What is this! What Uncle? I do not know who he is!' My father growled a

.' A few other elders of the family meandered out of the house, moaning and wailing with tears as if it was a funeral for a deceased member of their family! All of a sudden, a voice called out from one of the younger kin, saying, 'Here comes our Third Uncle!' It was Liu Wenhua's younger brother, Liu Wenli who came. One of the relatives said to him, 'It's Xiaoshan who has returned!' Liu Wenli shuddered once and pointed the opposite room, saying in a choked tone, 'I need to go there

her excitedly, 'Is this a drama performance?' I got out of the car and stepped to the front, saying, 'Let me drive, Mr. Zhang. I'll be able to try driving a nice car while you get to li

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Volume 1 Young and inexperienced - Chapter 1 Man versus Ghost3 Chapter 3 Chapter 2 The White Fiend4 Chapter 4 Chapter 3 Nocturnal Sight5 Chapter 5 Chapter 4 The Battle With the Plastic Bag6 Chapter 6 Chapter 5 Subduing the Ghost At Night7 Chapter 7 Chapter 6 The Debt of Passion8 Chapter 8 Chapter 7 Aunt Fen and her Husband9 Chapter 9 Chapter 8 The Mysterious Girl10 Chapter 10 Chapter 9 Homecoming11 Chapter 11 Chapter 10 The Unlikely Brotherhood12 Chapter 12 Chapter 11 The Post-disaster Episode13 Chapter 13 Chapter 12 Fen's Death14 Chapter 14 Chapter 13 Resurrection15 Chapter 15 Chapter 14 Nuptial Preparations16 Chapter 16 Chapter 15 Xuan'er Shou17 Chapter 17 Chapter 16 The Mysteriously Lost Old Man18 Chapter 18 Chapter 17 The Belligerent Reunion19 Chapter 19 Chapter 18 The Cruel Stroke of Fate20 Chapter 20 Chapter 19 Undestined Romance21 Chapter 21 Chapter 20 Shiyan and Lin Feng22 Chapter 22 Chapter 21 The Seething Lee23 Chapter 23 Chapter 22 What Goes Around, Comes Around24 Chapter 24 Chapter 23 So Shall You Weep25 Chapter 25 Chapter 24 Hawker Stalls26 Chapter 26 Chapter 25 Yuan Chongxi27 Chapter 27 Chapter 26 The Ancient Zither28 Chapter 28 Volume 2 Probation- Chapter 27 The Requiem29 Chapter 29 Chapter 28 Xie Bingyi30 Chapter 30 Chapter 29 The Lecture31 Chapter 31 Chapter 30 Uncle Quan's Derring-Do32 Chapter 32 Chapter 31 Business Groundwork33 Chapter 33 Chapter 32 Maiden Voyage34 Chapter 34 Chapter 33 Fresh Beginnings35 Chapter 35 Chapter 34 Jiangshi 36 Chapter 36 Chapter 35 Depraved Dividends37 Chapter 37 Chapter 36 The Debt38 Chapter 38 Chapter 37 The Grudge of the Bony Remains39 Chapter 39 Chapter 38 An Interview With the Dead40 Chapter 40 Chapter 39 The Ignominious Defeat41 Chapter 41 Chapter 40 Third Uncle42 Chapter 42 Chapter 41 The Hermit of Hidden Talents43 Chapter 43 Chapter 42 Draconic Mutation44 Chapter 44 Chapter 43 Master Six45 Chapter 45 Chapter 44 The Dud Round46 Chapter 46 Chapter 45 Divinity47 Chapter 47 Chapter 46 The Whole Bandits' Lair Is Wiped Out48 Chapter 48 Chapter 47 There is No Reason Why it Should Not Be49 Chapter 49 Chapter 48 Master Six's Action50 Chapter 50 Chapter 49 The Cultivation of Seven Lives51 Chapter 51 Chapter 50 The Resolution52 Chapter 52 Chapter 51 Ludicrous Absurdity53 Chapter 53 Volume 3 Family Feuds --- Chapter 52 Jousting with Jiangshis54 Chapter 54 Chapter 53 The Evil Cult55 Chapter 55 Chapter 54 Night at the Brick Factory56 Chapter 56 Chapter 55 One Fell Swoop57 Chapter 57 Chapter 56 Execution of the Thirteenth58 Chapter 58 Chapter 57 Bolt the Door and Beat the Dog59 Chapter 59 Chapter 58 The Bet60 Chapter 60 Chapter 59 The Bat Spirit61 Chapter 61 Chapter 60 The Date62 Chapter 62 Chapter 61 The Blood Charm63 Chapter 63 Chapter 62 The Creed of the Eight Trigrams64 Chapter 64 Chapter 63 Seven Ghostly Sisters65 Chapter 65 Chapter 64 Our Haunted Dwelling66 Chapter 66 Chapter 65 The VIP Reception67 Chapter 67 Chapter 66 The Marauders68 Chapter 68 Chapter 67 Forty Years Ago69 Chapter 69 Chapter 68 The Truth of the Heartbreaker70 Chapter 70 Chapter 69 The Scheme71 Chapter 71 Chapter 70 See You There72 Chapter 72 Chapter 71 The Tracking73 Chapter 73 Chapter 72 The Wolfpack74 Chapter 74 Chapter 73 Edelweiss75 Chapter 75 Chapter 74 Officer Zhang76 Chapter 76 Chapter 75 Godmother77 Chapter 77 Chapter 76 Invasion78 Chapter 78 Chapter 77 Possessed79 Chapter 79 Chapter 78 Reinforcements80 Chapter 80 Volume Four Provenance --- Chapter 79 The Return81 Chapter 81 Chapter 80 Poultry Problem82 Chapter 82 Chapter 81 The Black Cat83 Chapter 83 Chapter 82 Disturbed84 Chapter 84 Chapter 83 Furious Reprisal85 Chapter 85 Chapter 84 The Sisters' Mayhem86 Chapter 86 Chapter 85 The Bazaar87 Chapter 87 Chapter 86 Nobility88 Chapter 88 Chapter 87 At Wit's End89 Chapter 89 Chapter 88 Li Shanpao90 Chapter 90 Chapter 89 Fruitless91 Chapter 91 Chapter 90 Wireless92 Chapter 92 Chapter 91 The Challenge93 Chapter 93 Chapter 92 The Tipsy Nightmare94 Chapter 94 Chapter 93 Frustration Again95 Chapter 95 Chapter 94 Cards Ten, Jack, and Queen96 Chapter 96 Chapter 95 Blood Spilled Red97 Chapter 97 Chapter 96 Endgame98 Chapter 98 Chapter 97 The Final Pursue99 Chapter 99 Chapter 98 Hong Tianhua100 Chapter 100 Chapter 99 I Am Shiyan