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Where it all went wrong

Where it all went wrong


Chapter 1 The bomb heist

Word Count: 3586    |    Released on: 24/01/2024


at ghost town,Hover land were issue a case of finding e missing president sir Leon

you copy over, thi

" He replied his voic

clue yet over"

searching on it over"

st, and inform the r

ll sir

Martin hangs up

er into the i

o befall on us". A voice sounding

came ringing down his head quar

ski from the HSD, s

estaurant, three injured and two raped. Please we n

call the Hover Town Police Department (HPD), for this kind of em

ed with command a

the all answ

Steward get me coffee, Jing prepare the equipments, Debbie stay behind at the H/Q and Tunde play me

ly holds the position of HOD( Head of department of Trade affairs) in black hawk burea. Which is one of

rbet right from childhood, who is a medical d

ed up ate and tried watching some movies at 11:1


n't care to ch


en quite b


gies a

hatting they gave each

a new case"

rick Gombit who is accused of murder s

e guilty

iminal records". She said now facing him "As for

u come across Benson tell him to meet m

he says as he

th the investigation?, it seems prett

been trying our best but no clues

ke, your best is not enough, even though I told

the best we can". He repli

go out there and make

ens are really complaining about th

ke them

were invaded, 22 killed,58 kidnapped and many more injured, topping it up, stores were robbed my poin

a general right? Then take your men, sweet the tow

ean it tha

fice". He said pointing towards the door


f intelligence MLA. After the closing hours, he walks home w

goes in to freshen up and ate. At exactl

here anything you would like m

e. Biko rest please". Prisci

't who wi

of course, obi

to. Ehnn... Don't worry". He said

boy. Take

country, I want it to be massive and know

ore men and endeavor to check up on my boys the Migos and give m

ou listeni

discussion later ". He said as he picks up his phon

E –––

nt feminine voice sou

nsport fare along with escorts

t me. Money you sent is just okay and besides I won't be co

w l

.. By the way how i

". Gackson said with a joyful tone.

was interrupted by Duke." Okay e

hope on–" she said inte

". Duke sai


preparing for work when she turned o

t has dedicated Saturday 15 June 2045 to peace workers for their

criminal rate in the nation. The HID is still on the investigation on the missing

tition will begin on Monday 17 Jun

currently most sold resources is iron ore, and is sold at a hundred and twenty thousand Mular per Baron.

he kitchen to check t

s wear.corresponds to some thing that I


logo. Sir this could be our starti

ding flags, logo

th right away." Ca

in time.al And as for you all I want no leakages". He said now standing riveted to th

s he was the only one close to and present when the cops arrived. The problem is his finger print biometrics was

bout the attack, maybe

ere stabs and they w

e else bee

he cops st


d hugs his siblings Ngozi and Obinna,

your family, make us proud". Priscilla said her v

ber that you are a man so do no

eard all of your

home". Ngozi and Obinna said as a chorus unison

f our parents, do not forget t


sappeared into the clouds. Later that night, Pr

about the loan we took"? She

here. And with the few things you sell at the market. I will p

ncerned, well.


e ri

". Smi

e to get clues on th

sure a

color combination. And it c

anything of sought

of blurry. Can n

rk. Do not gi this c

permitted to t

this discussion later, am of t

out at a fancy restaura

w was work toda

nothing much". Patience replied."

..well okay". Sofia said as patience turns an

lp ma'am". He said

e nachos and the best of your soft

packaged chicken fries,

will be with you in les


he laugh

ma'ms l

Patience prepares

s the hurry, the

be going. Wor

m free till

about the Russian stolen bomb. Th

why then so keen about

business girl".

ands at t

l place. Just like h

ain station. Whi

r you will prefer champagne". A tender vo

said turning his gaze to s

s to take her leave as he conn

t's more


ch. Curious to know. She went to the door Mesmerized to see no one. Now afraid she hurriedly ran up stairs then noticing a blac

check this out tomorrow and

being rebelled many wer

spy voice Waisting bullets on the floor. Aft

ll you keep on killing. J

think i will start all over ag

". He said running t

. He said aimin

screamed in fear . As Chinedu

did y

g man. N

ids right"? Anothe

ou are, then you are"

uth. Or you go dow

as seen running, towards the dir

’¥ B

rolls down the mountain and disappeared

onna surviv


off. We leaving soon, damn it dumb head

to find himself bleeding

am I. Shit am


ion have you gotten

yet sir".


t in halves, German

ucas said cutti

ree, if we go, we go


as on Sof

were coming?, Come in". She said

ag on the table. "I think it's an expensive jewelry or som

keep this. Let's go to the


her car key swiftly "Come on". She says r


ction of the underground basement. W

". Gackso


His stomach grumbles. Thirty minutes lat

at will do f


eeze puts o

hat fire on"! As he said yellin

seats trying to forget the lon

s aghast, alarmed and scared. The monkey got in his thatched hut he created. He swiftly held a l


monkey and chased it again, mi

He yelled so much veins showed on his face. He throws a stone

p. He jumps up in fear and kicks it. It in return runs and screams


neral was been inter

g to retrieve the pres

information are confidential"

or alive "? Ano

ws he said" No please, he is not dead".

o know"? Anoth

e, I have a meeti

ase, sir......." As journalist said

ards guidee him

eral pho

w you on the the news". S

estions, we have been doing the best we can.

stan. They need our support you know

al said as the ends

ers( HOVER Town P

sir". Pat

how may I help y

know who owns it talk less of what it is". She said with a little

aid" where did you say you saw i

oblem"? She said as thoug

s no ordinary bomb. This

hat"!!!! Pat

hia said out as she and patience

f it is melted with the atmospheric pressure

e Russians thinking be

ll have to take you

ing her balance" In

her"? Sophia said with

s. If she pl


e the bomb in your apartment "?

". She

g in a place like

She responded l

friends, neighb

lleagues. I don't talk much with

ing in touch with others,

end of mine and I was

hould I bel

id now tired of the question. She prayed in her head hoping this coul

icks a glove

. Not a family or a trusted friend".

th the head of the a department.

he Hover Town Po

ay I he

rm you that the cyclon

stigation been

e still

I will send my ken o

ime soon. When it is

ll come over to join in

sir". He sa

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