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Where it all went wrong

Chapter 3 Devastating time's

Word Count: 783    |    Released on: 18/04/2024


f intelligence MLA. After the closing hours, he walks home w

goes in to freshen up and ate. At exactl

here anything you would like m

e. Biko rest please". Prisci

't who wi

of course, obi

to. Ehnn... Don't worry". He said

boy. Take

country, I want it to be massive and know

ore men and endeavor to check up on my boys the Migos and give m

ou listeni

discussion later ". He said as he picks up his phon

E –––

nt feminine voice sou

nsport fare along with escorts

t me. Money you sent is just okay and besides I won't be co

w l

.. By the way how i

". Gackson said with a joyful tone.

was interrupted by Duke." Okay e

hope on–" she said inte

". Duke sai


preparing for work when she turned o

t has dedicated Saturday 15 June 2045 to peace workers for their

criminal rate in the nation. The HID is still on the investigation on the missing

tition will begin on Monday 17 Jun

currently most sold resources is iron ore, and is sold at a hundred and twenty thousand Mular per Baron.

he kitchen to check t

s wear.corresponds to some thing that I


logo. Sir this could be our starti

ding flags, logo

th right away." Ca

in time.al And as for you all I want no leakages". He said now standing riveted to th

s he was the only one close to and present when the cops arrived. The problem is his finger print biometrics was

bout the attack, maybe

ere stabs and they w

e else bee

he cops st


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