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Luna's Second Chance: Love, Revenge And Lust

Chapter 2 I Love Him

Word Count: 1242    |    Released on: 27/01/2024

u love

lungs. More than the joy in my heart, more that I loved

o Perez speak, and she felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world. As their naked b

love, and she was not goi

d he looked down at the woman

ke my love is weak... Or like I don't love you e

orrow. I don't want anything else. "She repl

ation day, and she had something huge


s Point

leading to my parent's room. I have been dreading and avoidin

nowledge will be a betrayal to them. They will be entrusting me with the well-being of our entire pa

ep breath to draw strength and I dust the wrinkles off my dre

corridor bow to me and I focus on the task at hand. I finally

y the momen


w it! “My father screams as soon as I'm done ex

You've trained and prepared for thi

de so many sacrifices. The people of the Moon fang pack are c

iving your throne to someone else?? “My moth

d he's struggled to fit in for the past year. He's worked so ha

trust me. This is for the best. “I say. And my father t

as your mate! Against, my advice, you went and gave your heart to him. Aurora, I don't know wha

with is not one I can accept. It is absolutely ridiculous! I will not hand over

that I'm facing his anger, every line I pr

because he's a rogue? “I question, and I watch my father's eyes

not the reason I don't like him. There's just something o

ow what's wrong, but I just don't trust him. Gi

g. “He says, and I smile as I gently

raining with the warriors. We deliberated for a month, and eventually wh

to my

I broke my hip badly and had to meet secretly with do

l you please obey me this time? Please, my dear. “He

loves me, and I love him. They need to know and understand that. They need t

my love for Perez is real. Let me do this. I need you to trust me.

anything to anyone? “My mom th

e needs me to prove my love to him! “I reply, an

e, and I begin to feel frantic. I've made up my mind, so why are t

o this. I need to do this… “I reply,


become the Alpha of the pack, and I will rule beside him. I will still g

ng to hear anything more, I turn a

a test of my love. And I'm not

em, and then I walk away. They might be upset

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