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Luna's Second Chance: Love, Revenge And Lust

Chapter 4 What Have I Done

Word Count: 1998    |    Released on: 27/01/2024


d draw deep breaths as my father and mother co

my heart pounding in my chest, and anxie

for my entire life. But now, my decision is hanging heavily over me. I want

I'm choosing to trust in love. To trust wholly a

, our shaman announces, and as the pack begins to chant my

e the silent plea in their eyes beggi

the crowd. He looks down at me and smiles encouragingly at me, and I

father through a mind link, and without waiting for his re

raise both my hands in the air to silence

hope that they can feel conviction

standing before you today with a decision that has been w

best, and we would all

certain that you will. “I begin, and I feel tension

ng but also a promising alpha who will lead us all with strength and wisdom. “I then an

and I gulp. Trying to ease up the confusion and

ot diminish my role. I will remain by Perez's side, as

me. If I am fit enough to be crowned your ruler, then shouldn'

will make a beautiful ruler. He is our best choice of a ruler and

ing, and I watch as their eyes search for some

d I turn back to look at Perez. I'm worried about him. Would they ac

Pereze steps forwar

o name, fame, or wealth. However, all I lack in thos

o what I feel is right for the pack and each and every one of you. All I'm asking for is a chance. Will y

gainst this? “I then question, but

is. *My father then says in

r. “I then say to Mali, and he stares at me

ses on, and I watch with happy tears as

become King. As Perez accepts his new position of

To lead and rule us, right until you breathe your last. We are all now devoted t

ays, however, when Perez opens his mouth to speak, his words

eft day to spend among us. Anything longer than that, and I won't be blamed for whatever measures I tak

mall chuckle escapes me. This is all some sick joke, a twisted

augh as I walk up to him, but much to my horror,

nto his eyes which have now shocking

you thought you could rule?? You were never ready, never p

ooking for ways to claim this pack and take it for myself, and I can't

d incapable you truly are. “He says, and

Stop it! “I breathe nervously as his words h

ng the challenges that lie in the path of a leader. We nee

girl who can't tell a lie when she sees it. “He conti

ents, and I see them watching

as I turn back to him, and he w

's all been an act. I don't give two shits

you're too daft for me to fall for. “He speaks, and my

building in my eyes. I hate the seriousness I'm his voice. I

y heart, and I stare up

o call him, but he

she lead you all when it's so clear that she's nothing more than a naive little girl playing

't be serious... “I beg as I feel pai

e pack deserves better than you. They deserve a

pack, Aurora. After today, you should be long gone. I don't care where the hell you go, o

ack by tomorrow. I mean it! “He says, and just then, I see red. As he turns away and begins to wa

y hand heavily across his face. The sound echoes through the air, momen

h a cruel retaliation. The slap he returns is so loud and heavy, that I fall t

efore. With my blurring sight, I look up and find my father wielding

t completely stops working when I see Perez impale my fa

as I watch in nightmarish fear as my father falls to the

o him, but my mom pushes me out of the

on blurs further, but I see my father's flutterin

e me up. Please wake me up from this nigh

… Please

can mutter before I feel myself

towards me, and my mom doesn't even look in

have I

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