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Word Count: 2597    |    Released on: 07/02/2024

City Z

elix resid

ee years

uid stretch of his well-defined physique and a resonating yawn, he brushed aside unruly waves of his sun-kissed blonde hair, simultane

late on my first day of work". Making a frenzied dash to the bathroom, he deftly managed to brush his teeth and cleanse his body under the rushing water. In a whir

suit of a steady job, and at last, his dream manifested in the

r, Felix's younger brother, nestled in the dining room partaking of his morning breakfast. His

now am late" he chided, deliveri

the king of the morning rush, i knew you could handle it. Seeing his brother's

defense with a playful grin. Observing his sibling's silly smile, Felix fu

ed his tea, Come on, let me drop you off at your college." Taylor, didn't protest, he was use

. His breath caught at the sight of the skyscraper, an architectural masterpiece that stood to acclaim as the city'

elix to advert his gaze and locked eyes with the spea

x responded, extending

e or considering accommodations?" the man

mployed in the kitchen department as a c

the head chef here. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance,

firmed, a grin that spanned ear to ear adorning his

e swooning all over you in a few days",

entral vehicle. Elegant ebony shoes made contact with the ground, inciting a collective shiver that swept through the onlookers, their recognition immediate. Rumors circulted that she was going to be in

tant, clutching a sheaf of documents. The assistant's face

at?" Felix murmured

King intoned, wagging a cautionary finger ,now, let's begin

sunglasses, she positioned herself before the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting her gaze upon th

come after her. Swiveling on her heel as the office door creaked open, she looked up at her assistant, who gingerly set her

rived for you," the assistant stam

the man she vehemently dreaded. Erica concluded that he sought to ascertain her achievements and dominance, hav

k?" Erica queried, not lift

er sole partner, bubbled within her. Having been absent for months without communication, Erica c

we co

ama stuttered, regai

xtas resid

's well-being, having been imprisoned by Azazel for years now. Dispatching men to liberate her mother from a nightmarish abyss, Erica's efforts had resulted in nothing but grisly souven

used her curiosity. Speculations and whispers from her spies, said hi

thered by the passage of time. The weight of adversity was etched

tas mused, a trace of surprise coloring his features as he se

her tone abscent of the tiniest emotion. Inhaling deep

to recognize you upon your entry," a faint, unsettling grin grace

with pleasantries. ehh i've heard murmurs of your in

" Erica retorted, her voic

it for a fraction of half what it's

manage," Erica countered

d, his agitation evident. I attempted to purchase the property through your agents, but they refused to sell them to me. Er

er families properties and a long list of names marked for obliteration became her guide. Uncle Mextas' name

inquired, her gaze trans

ovements as he placed the wine glass on an adjacent stool. Turni

What are you doing?

could both believe," she asserted, h

ica paused as everything dawned on her. She understood immediately—Uncle Mextas was assigned the

nce then?" She fixed a ga

n peace, neither did he let me live with the clan in peace. Gosh is so frustrating I don't know h

rdon a defector. If you ever made it outside the clan state in one piece, he will send his

expression serious "And my mo

Don't know about now", he concl

was living well, she never doubted that he could manage well with that

She was not the same omega from three years back. He needed not to ask, he was certain she had

ee her,. Only if you


d know Azazel would stop at nothing till were both dead. His presence signaled the clan's persistent grip. Why are you so stubborn? Th

e ago," Erica retorted icily, the ch

t help you. I know what safeguards you need. Remember, I am your uncle,

led, as if he could enter his couch. "And that's the only reason

nd, the realization crystallized itself .— It was high time this five_ foot four inch beta became an


iver, sensing the reverberations of their boss's

usly ticked off," Victor, the

wrath of their boss frequently found its target i

job," Victor muttered, his

car shaded by a tree. "Keys!" she demanded, her t

apsed onto the ground, despera

ica's feet. Mariama joined in his plea. Gazing down at the pair, Erica realized her intentions m

eting tomorrow. You're both dismissed for the day."

Erica's Es

ulated under two months... A crescent moon casted a feeble luminescence over the land, bestowing

ant pool parties, despite the fact that she had a ten-year-old daughter. Erica counted her fortunate for the considerable distance that

mansion, an ominous sensation of being stalked had gripped Erica. The faint, plaintive descent of leaves, coupled with approaching footsteps, set her ins

t aimed at her leg, and a sharp pain lanced thro

ned. Rumors had it that you're a force to reckon with. What a joke. Boss ordered

s dulled, yet her strategic mind remain

tch. You two, he gestured to his

nd here we are. Boss isn't thrilled with how you disrespected him. Erica lay

the van surged forward, carrying with it an injured Erica co

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