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Supreme Magus [Volume One]

Chapter 5 Collateral Damage

Word Count: 1735    |    Released on: 29/01/2024

rek finally regained his composure and st

t the chest level. The contours of the hole had burn marks all over it

ad to see the spot where he had woken up, noticing a lot of blood and even

il I somehow happened to inhabit it. And for whatever reason, it’s also fully healed. Oh man, this means all religio

legs but all the limbs were long and skinny. The legs were reverse joint

e surface in sight. So, he tried feeling his face with the fingers, but the s

the helmet, and based on it Derek’s new head should

ld somehow do it, but it was still English. That meant that he did not inheri

ty was too different from his old body, so he h

s or tails of what was happening around him. Judg

y Pub



rek was donning, was grey. He had no idea which side was w

he was uncapable of communicating. Enemies would kill hi

of walking during a life or death situation? I’m not e

aged to get up by leaning on t

hoices were painfully limited, since h

rate the control panels that he found along the way. H

starting to

s? I don’t know what this useless pile of flesh eats! Even if I stumble on a mountain of food, I ha

drove him to hysteria. Derek screamed an kicked whatever

p, his mind wa

even if I wanted to kill myself, I would not know how." He banged

s, complete lack of the new species common sense. And to make things worse everything here is so high tech that I cannot even op

ng no time to lose, he started wandering again, this time banging

g again due to hunger and exhaust

rip and fall to the ground. On the other side th

ff as it was a rifle. Derek didn’t even attempt to get u

wasn’t a glitch in the system, he is still alive."* (from t

en closed in. The soldiers never lowered their we

nd how in Thrak’s name did you survive that a

y Pub



o idea what you

Medic, any reading on

ny dialect in the empire. And the scanner confirms that the hole in his armour is definite

ok a staff from a soldier’s hands and by pushing a butto

re. It’s cool, one hit and I’ll be turned into dan

est, it did not make any burning sound. It pier

, but a hard-light construct, making i

But that thing, whatever that is, is a risk we cannot allow to take. Not with Prince Rek’hart in our care and those Corellan rebel

k. He felt like his chest was on fire, but what

ower and more difficult than the last. Blood started gu

, but to no avail. It took Derek less than a min

wards it. Just like the last time, he felt all his worries and rage

n any god, hence he never

ible to define someone as truly bad. Most of the times the bad guys

hey broke. Not to mention psycho and sociopaths. How could someone that

everyone, or no afterlife at all. Death is supposed the be final spir

ap excuse of reincarna

could possibly have if I

ge, so once outside the light all my pain, rage and contempt toward hum

y Pub



s psychologist was only half right. He could only change if he wa

t example of a

lled downwards and

t he could still hear a l

was puking god knows what, and judging fro

s going on" He thought "but I

overed that the hands were not gigantic, the issu

it! I managed to sa

ag. Derek was currently inside a wooden shack, surrounded by people dressed with rags t

e being alw

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