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The Sky Is Falling

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 3661    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

nets swung along their paths again and the sun was in the most

y of this world were humming again. Those who had survived and those who could be revived were busily rebuilding. Some were missing, of course.

or work of magic required it, and he had taken the orders and moved the controls as they wanted them. The orrery was housed temporarily in the reconstituted hall of the Satheri

was gone, and Hanson was

ks can spread out to fix up all the rest of the world-and to take over con

ew settings that bothered him. And some of the developments he watched were hardly what he would have preferred. The wa

nuggled against him, admiring him with her eyes. But old habits

n, blushing, an

He motioned to Hanson. "The council of Satheri want you," he


Ser Perth said. The words were smooth

hen they would get around to this. Beside him, Bork and

anged her mind. She frowned, tor

Hanson took the arms of the other two, the Ser shrugged and fell in behind. Very softly, too low

y grateful to a mandrake-man who had accomplished something beyond their power, now that the crisis was over. They had always been a high-handed bunch

until he was facing the old man, drawing Nema and Bork with him. There were murmurs of protest, but nobody stopped him. Above him, the eyes of Sather Karf were uncertain. For a mom

ved, you were free enough with offers of reward. But three days have

as a rising mutter of shock and anger from the others, but he lifted his voice over it.

Sather Karf asked. "Against the weight of all our knowled

book he had read had been only an elementary one. But he nodded. "I think with your name I could

n the computer was finished you would wait for my true name, and I promised that you should have it when the time came, but not what the time would be. So you will

e and Hanson felt a thickness over h

Karf went on. "Exactly as I promised it to you. I agreed to find way

on choked a few words out through it. "What's the wor

etter. No, Dave Hanson, you were too important to us for that. Mandrake-men are always less than true men, and we needed your best. You were conjured atom by atom, id and ka and soul, fr

ized how much the shame of what he thought himself to be had weighed on h

Sather Karf went on. "And you were assured of jewels to buy an empire. Al

ers were working in conjurations that seemed to hold back enough of the spells against him to let him speak. "Dave Hanson, your w

d back and finally nodded his head. "That is true," he admitted. "I

at lifetime would be over before it began. What were the pleasures, Sather Karf? Having you reveal your name jus

, and there was a curious reluctance as he raised his hand. "But it is too

. He opened his mouth, and found that the thickness was back. For a split second, hi

ad told him that magic incantations had to be pronounced aloud. It seemed to be the general law, but for a

n, I command t

jeweled gears turning. Outside the window, the light reddened, dimmed, a

in the shouts of shock and panic from the others. His eyes centered questioningly on Hanson and

ld be at the controls. The he clutched the sky-blob a

e sun rise from the wes

ts were more frightened than before. A minute later, the others were back, screaming

s obeying its orders fully, and th

d been the greatest Satheri in the world. "All right, Dave Hanson," he s

n't heard

gain, even you might not be able to repair it a second time." He tapped his hands lightly together and the sou

were alone with the old man. Sunlight streamed in through the

d a glow of what seemed to be amusement in his eyes as he listened, th

long way on what he'd found in one elementary book. Now, with a chance to study all their magical lore and apply it with the methods he had learned in his own world, there were amazing possibilities opening up to him. For the world, a few chan

athator Hanson," Sather Karf told him. "It's your world

t to get your great granddaughter turned into a registered and certified wife and take

m, he heard Bork's chuckle and the soft laughter of Sather Karf. But thei

r prophecy is fulfilled. He may have a little trouble with so many knowing his name, but he's Dave Ha

was also right, Bork. It seems that the world-egg has

bably have to do something about his name, but the rest of the conversation was a mystery to h

Hanson finally remembered. By then it was no mystery, of co



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