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The Billionaire’s Little Vixen

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1689    |    Released on: 30/01/2024


t running through my mind. The breakup with Alex was still fresh and painful, and I couldn't believe he had re

ght morning sun. It was a new day, but it didn't feel like it. I could

ion turned blurry as I read the contents of the message. It was an invitation from Alex to his wedding. My hear

could he do this to me? I couldn't believe that he had moved on so quickly and was getting married t

. I got up to answer it, not sure who it could be. When I open

e said with a warm smile.

replied, "I'm fine,

thing don't hesitate to reach out" I recently moved in the apartment.

I thanked her and watched as she mad

held. With Alex getting married, it felt like my world was falling apart. But then

ied in my hands. I heard a loud banging on the

's me, Jami

as I opened it, Jamie rushed in and wrapped her arms arou

g, Liv?" she

d watched as her face tu

exclaimed. "How coul

ng down my face again as Jamie

bed. "Why did he have

ed. "But I'm here for you. Whate

going to do?

I said, my voice shaking. "I can't

ing written on her face.

want to focus on my life, get back to wor

on. "That's the spirit," she said. "Yo

weakly. "Thanks, Jamie. Yo

once saw them together and he told me she's his cousin. How stupid I was to believe that. And what else

could he cheat on me and lie to me at the same time? I felt li

d marry someone else without any consequences, he had another thing coming. I would show hi

be attending the wedding after all, even if I had to hire someone to accompan

s I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I saw Jamie's f

go like this?" Jamie asked me. "I

ks he can throw away our relationship just like that, I will show him he lost a g

then?" She asked. "I mean are

problem. With me alone, I have the strength.

f course I'm in, Liv. I'm just wo

had to be strong and show Alex what he had lost. "I'll be fine, Jami

d fixing my hair and makeup. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a sense of det

my nerves starting to get the best of me. Jamie gra

?" she

eath and nodded.

side. "Remember you're not here to break down. Keep your head high" Jamie whispered beside me. I flashed her a smile. Even though I have

k a sip, trying to steady my nerves

meone walking towards us. It was

see you guys here," he said

done to me. But I tried to keep my composure and re

ing in his eyes that made me fe

his bride-to-be appeared next to

" she said, ext

ide I was seething. It was hard to be happy fo

e, reminding myself that I was he

I would've been the one holding him by the arm. I would've been the one getting all the spot

spiciously. "To whe

by the neck. I'm just going to the restro

x's eyes on me. I stopped on my tracks and we locked eyes for a moment. I

aughing. Anger boiled up inside me. How could he move on so quickly? How could he forget about our relati

n. I can't let him see me cry. I can't let him have that power over me. I wiped away my tears and took one las

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