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The Billionaire’s Little Vixen

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1963    |    Released on: 30/01/2024


reach over and slam my hand down on the

er is cold, but it helps wake me up. I spend the next thirty mi

my car and drive to the office. The traffic is light this morning, s

lls, emails, and presentations fill up my schedule. But I enjoy the challenge and th

ng in with my team, and making strategic decisions for the company's f

Abigail. My secretary. "Good morning Sir" She

to short reply. They knew

get your

and walk out. She didn't shut

before showing up"

my desk. "Sorry man, I figured since we're

eyes. "What

u. It's been a while since

we caught up outside of work. But with the demands

just been really bu

e in a while. You're going to burn out if you kee

f the company if I don't work h

mpany. Too bad he's not in the condition to take care of the company

I won't do that again. Talking about that, my thoughts wandered to last night. The mysterious woman I met at the reception. To be honest, I didn't expect to enjoy the wedding. I went for the

dn't know each other's name. It was a steamy night for me. "What ar

emember I attended a we

tag along. But you ditched m

et a wom

." he trailed off ey

venturing into that. But she proposed that

With the way you're smiling

desires. And I happened to be the perfect person" I proudly said reminiscing al

ows at me, "And you do

around to introducing ourselves. But it do

rotection. You can't risk getting involved with t

o handle myself, Brian. It was

r about her. Who was she? What did she do? I pushed the

ke a daily routine. The family always have or two thing to argue about. I didn't spare any of them a glance and sauntered to my room. We are a big family living in one big mansion. Although everyone had their own apartment inside the mansi

mind. I wanted to forget her but it seemed impossible. I walked to my balcony and leaned against the railing. The view from here wa

il's name plastered on the screen. "Sorry to bother you sir, but there's an urgent mat

"What is i

the past month. The investors are asking for an u

y didn't anyone inform me about t

re busy with other matters an

vestors for tomorrow afternoon. I'll have the updated report ready by

ght" I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache

edback from Abigail. She knows what to

tly as I can before heading to work. Normally before I leave the house my dog will run to me but today I didn't get such. Whi

name given to it by my mother. I still remember when she got it for me when it was st

I was met with a scene that scared me. Bob was laying down weakly.

eyes were half-open. Panic rose in me as I tried to figure out wh

wasn't close to the house. It was a long and tense ride as I

was left in the waiting room, pacing back and forth. It fe

ng out a plastic bag with some pills in it. "These pills

ey were some of the sleeping pills I had been prescribed a while back but had forgo

over me. It was my carelessness that h

mistake. How is

back soon" The young girl didn't finish closing her mouth when the door to the clinic was pushed open

nd my heart skipped a beat as our eyes met. "What are

replied, a hint of

hat earlier. "Well, I'm glad to see you again. But first

nto the back room where Bob was resting. I was r

e next few days. As we were leaving, she handed me a card with her name and number on it. "If you ev

t my card and handed it to her. She access it before slipping it inside he

the possibility of seeing her again. As I walked towards my car, I c

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