Laurel's Lover
the whole house and the roof was made of terracotta, it had big spacious rooms with Italian Barbara marble throughout, a huge kitchen, a large living room, and big rooms upst
ubborn, and she was Italian, and they both tried to make it work with gifts, trips, and date night, it just wasn't meant to be. The last and final straw for her was when Lorelei went to visit her ex at work and found banging his secretary on his desk Lorelei was so angry, she picked a stapler on his desk and threw at his head, luckily, she missed, and it went flying out the office window! The next day she took all his clothes and belongings and put them into the fire pit and burned them to nothing, she packed all her clothes and belongings and left him and stayed at her parents' until she figured out what to do next, about two weeks later she files for divorce and takes Lu