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Rings of Redemption

Chapter 6 Football Tactics

Word Count: 2063    |    Released on: 31/01/2024

efforts with my movements. She had very fast hands; it wasn't hard to see how someone like this could be a champion. I couldn't make any comment on her powe

I couldn't keep up the pace much longer, I was already breathi

caught her with a decent punch. Maybe s

g to form in the gym with several other students joining. Just listening you wouldn't be able

ut ten minutes long, but it had gone by very quick

ing a mantis-like stance. She wasn't moving her feet a

and then countered, all within a second,

first real shot of the day, but she resp

her right hand. They weren't particularly difficult to predict. She had

hifted to my right evading the last punch and quickly planting m

struggled to gather her feet. The right side of her face was beginn

ne had shouted out, their voi

to my left, keeping

ly stepped to my right and then dragged my left hand to her temple. She withdrew her head

d their hands on their

not, they were rocking her head violently for sure, but she seemed to be taki

rself. She nodded and then walked to the c

after, back in the

r to be so eager to carry on. I half tho

g, she was certainly tak

disguised left hook, which I caught on my right forearm. Her speed came thr

o the body. It was a good right hook; her hand sank deep into my abdomen stealing my breath. My right hand instinctively dropped fr

the crowd

lled. Shifting to the right, I masked any signs of pain with my poker f

f to the right to gain some distance, but I wasn't as fast as I wanted to be, my fee

as a male student, the voice was familiar, it had a ch

jabs just to keep her away. The first one landed flush, too weak to cause any damage, she ducked to evade the se

upper lip and nose. My legs gave out, they could no longer support

on. It was a heavy shot; I couldn't feel it, but I could tel

"A right hook, left hook combo?" I thought to myself, smiling from the canvas, realizing

st had to close my eyes for a little b

ut, I didn't feel too much after, just the

tudents started applauding. Mikaela was off by th

ll done!" she said walking over to fist-bump my righ

" I responded recipr

at how it had all gone. I was out o

the ring. There were a few positives to take away, she w

eft hand while gesturing to two other students in the distance, her fingers rolling in a pattern that hinted at a fut

" she asked, hand

lifting the towel to ac

silence. "I believe you

sparring!" Mikaela interrupted as she made

to Andrea. "So?" I asked,

e, same thing she

I said out


I continued. "Edward soun

tly changing the subject, she walked ahead of me and asked, "So,

chuckling at the notio

ughing as well

urious at what sh

t had walked up to her, whisp

me Edwa.., Eddie!" sh

e didn't take too long. I got there

ck-up. "All good," she announced handing me a pill bottle wit

in the arm as she got off the Examination bed. The Nurse turned aroun

my forearm as we exited the office leading the way. Confuse

. "That, right there," she explained, "that was the hardest shot

The intensity in her eyes hinted at a mix of frustration and confusion. She demanded an e

t, But don't sweat it champ, you won fair a

that already, I knew just

nd the men's locker room" I

eading there now. It isn't time for pract

ad almost forgotten I was still holding on to the package Mikaela had dropped, Quickly correc

nd he stood tall with a well-built physique, boasting broad shoulders and muscles.

team now?" he continued, his voice deep

t sure," I r

ny chance encounter

?" I int

hould have known. Are you

urned, surprised, with his hands raised as if surre

good with the talk and even better with the mind if you know w

tening very i

package from my hands. "Here, these should do the trick. They should have ever

ope you know what y

e got a show to go watch," he remarked, wa

get your last n

d, "Stevenson,

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