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Where are you, Samantha?

Chapter 2 The Dream

Word Count: 1577    |    Released on: 04/02/2024

een hissed as she furiously closed the ca

nside the driver's seat; evidently vexed

?" He calmly asked and she

u're taking

pect and limitations. I don't even need to be Samantha's best friend for me to tell she's still being haunted by the pas

isn't keeping her shoulders down. "Yeah, and ten years still ai

st that you're her best friend, you're supposed to understand. And besides,

he jeered, obviously mocking her boyfriend, b

-looking house as Christian started driving away. Kathleen knows the house really meant a lot

t her horrifying past––about the unexplaina

een cursed by her husband's ex-lover when she was pregnant,

irming the rumor to Samantha, but she denied every accusation, saying her sister was only adopted by their relatives abroad, so she

now why she always have this urge to investigate Samantha's past. Even though Christian's words alread

n't trust me or is it because I wanted to help her from the thing

y. 'Twas around 3 AM when something woke her up––an eerie feeling. She looked around to see the window open. Yawning, she

art beat like a gust of adrenaline through her body. She could feel each beat resounding yet she didn't even

looked back and screamed to the bottom of her lungs when she came face to face to a rotten face of a woman covered with greasy, dripping blood. Despite being frozen, she stil

out from a grave. Kathleen was breathless, but her heart kept beating and cold sweat took over h

s waiting for the little girl to reach her. She stifled a cry

- tili bom~ zakro

o khadit z


d to form in the corners of her eyes.

bom... krichit n

he probrai

m, komu n

ile turned into a blank st

no sign except for the terrifying doll. Kathleen felt nauseous all of the sudden. She tried to contain herself but couldn't until her vision went blurry to black. Only then she felt an arm wrapped aroun

ust a dream? No! T

de is starting to crawl in. Furrows formed on her forehead when sh

ontemplate before standing up and went to the bathroom to take a b

She hissed seeing the

hen she hurriedly ran pass him, carrying her

make it up l

ian sighed. "I'll bring

e him a flying kiss before heading towards h

also manages her own shop. The three of them loves coffee but have different professions so, they built CoPhixo to fulfill one of thei

walked pass her. Usually, she greets every person she meets, but the day's an exception. She's really in a hurry. Arah is on her maternity leave as

t she must be just curious about the place, so she decided to set t

ected to be at the workplace before 9AM but here she is, running her way towards the elevator, 9 minutes late. Her

one of the trainees. If she can remember it correctly, hi

scanned numbers of applicant files and asked her assista

e went outside. She's obviously already on her work or perhaps in the coffee shop. Throughout the day, no matter how hard

ream so vivid as if it was true?" Her voice thinned. "The open window! The chills! The scare! That woman's rotting face! The

i tili bom... Zak

girl's horrifying hum echoed in her mind once ag

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