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The Strange Case of Cavendish


Word Count: 1994    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ir vigil. The booth they occupied was selected for the reason that it immediately joined that into which Willis had but three days before seen Cavendish and the La Rue woman en

pered Willis t

t quickly with his eyes, then made directly for the enc

ll attention, their ears strained to catch the wisp

gh, as she uttered the words the violins obeyed, leaving the room comparatively quiet

as John's voice, an il

time, Celeste. These m

d the listeners. "But this time there was a good reason." S

been foolish enough to satisfy even you

in your good fortune. But the amount I want now, and must have to-night-to-n

as he been

ad this telegram. It's not very clear, but

does he

it was the Bowery he'd do this sort of job better. Anyhow, I'm goin

alf smother

r. Enright has held me up something fierce, and you

e no occasion to consider me a fool. I endeavour to keep posted on what the court is doing in our c

vil did you

e size of your check, and that the money is still on your person. You inte

avendish's voice rose

ay more softly: "Ho

ty. This Colorado job is getting to be expensive, de

udge Willis enthusiastically be

e you trimmi

a fake? My Gawd-that is what I want money for! Moreover, I should think you

booth Will

ent his ear to sedulous attention and ag

hat you're going to do w

ered one, and therefore of utmost importance. Came a pause, a clink of

e was easily recognisable. "Of course it will be

he man sh

me and must play it out. It has been safe enough so far, and I know what I am doing now. You've got too much at stake to haggle ov

sake, not

and his mouth is shut. It makes me laugh to think how easily the fools were gulled. We've go

er an hour had passed, Cavendish emerged from the booth, went to the check-room, and hurriedly left the café. Waiting only long enough to satisfy herself that Cavendish was gone, Celeste La Rue herself emerged from

, a yellow piece of paper, closely folded, sl

king." Miss Donovan's voice whispered dramatically

he booth to pick it up, but the girl wi

il we see who leaves the other b

d eyes, they beheld Celeste la Rue leave the booth, and then five minutes later

" muttere

He and La Rue are playing Cavendish-and for something big. But now

no-suddenly she saw his handkerchief drop, saw him an instant later turn and pick it up, and with it the telegram. Disappearing

c-light, and with shaking hands Willis showed her the message. There in

May 19

come with roll Monday sure 've


," she said to the other, "bu

s going to blow the

ack there in Steinway's. Whatever his connection is, we d

let's move on it quick. One of us may have to hop to

ou've worked hard,

tly returned her companion, as he raised his arm to signa

dragged him from his slot in the copy desk and into his private office, which he rarely used. There, into h

hile he banged the desk with a round, hard fist. "Hell's bells!" he ejaculated. "You've run across something. I know that name. I know the man. Ned Beaton

an. "Where was the message sent from? Colorado, yes,

the last word in the me


paused a m

led through t

re quick, or I'll hang y

and Farriss, seizing the atlas from his hand, thumbed it unti

onovan cried suddenly.

e desert

laughed Willis. "I might call

ou'd keep your mind on the job. What you can do is call up, say you're the detective burea

n a businesslike voice. "The Be

room, to return a moment later, white of

ope?" Farriss

fifteen minutes ago Celeste La Rue kissed the Beecher apartme

city editor, "or my ha

ry there. What's more,

hance, but w

lis--" began

on straight. Because within half an hour you're going to draw on the night c

go, too?" he began, but Farri

o good a hound for the desert. The city needs

tled girl beside him

to; be sure of your facts, and consign

riss looked

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