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The Strange Case of Cavendish


Word Count: 1779    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

away, it deposited Miss Stella Donovan almost in the arms of Carson, the station-agent, and he, wary of the wiles of women and the ethics of society, pro

oys are havin' a hell of a time. That's them yellin' down yonder, and they're mighty likely to mix up with the Bar X gang

ce of Westcott, whom she judged to be a man of thirty-one, with force and ch

novan of New York,"

with hat off in the de

s away at a mining

"We're introduced. And I suppose

nd of yelling, sharp cries, and revolver shots fr

tant lights of the Timmons House. As they followed the road, which paralleled a whispering stream, the girl began to draw him out skilfully,

lways remain in the admirable East, and three years ago he and I came here prospecting. A

iss Donovan's cond

my partner's father died and he went East to claim the fortune that was left. I couldn't work alone, so I dri

ce, Mr. Westcott,"

dollar was gone. That was a month ago, I wired my old p

r. Suddenly they heard an oath and a shot, and the next moment a wild rider, lashing a foaming horse with a

muttered quietly. "A

e more up ah

ng in the silent night she felt that above all he was dependable, as if, too, she had known hi

he was saying, "don't you think y

es of information to her. No, the thing to do was to adopt some "stall" that would en

d by Scribbler's Magazine to do an article on 'The Old West, Is I

nce for her precaution, for her compani

t to answer my wire. That's why I've waited every night at the depot. No,

on of the name: "Pep," she murmured, tryi

cott replied. "Fr

many Eastern dues of the Cavendish affair with one in the West. Was ever a girl

a few more pretentious buildings were scattered here and there, while an occasional tent flapped its discoloured canvas in the night wind. There were no str

et, and occasionally the sharp crack of some frolicsome revolver punctuated the hoarse shouts and bursts of drunken laughter. No other woman was visible, yet, apparently, no particular attention was paid to their progress. But the stream of men thickened perceptibly, until Westcott was obliged to shoulder them aside good-humouredly in order to open a passage.

get th

nd punchers all paid off at once." He released her arm, and sudde

d help me run this lady through as far as Timmons; this bunc

most grotesque under the broad brim of his hat, Stella, recognising the marshal, was

boob like you should need a guardian. The lady? Pardon me, madam," an

e fully aware that there was a law-and-order party in Haskell, ready and willing to back their officer to the limit. Few were drunk enough as yet to openly defy his authority and face the result, as most of them had previously seen him in action. To the girl it was all terrifying enough-the rough, hairy faces, the mutter

nda in front. One end contained a saloon, crowded with patrons, but the office, revealed

rvice-worn pen proffered by landlord Pete Timmons, whose grey

u, ma'am," Peter said in a cra

it open. It was fr

tely. Willis digging hard. L


her jacket-pocket, then turning to the m

more than kind," s

arn't nothin'!" And he hurried into th

ll on me. I'll be in town two days yet, and after that Pete here can get word to me." Then, with an admi

er valise. The girl nodded, and together they went up the

waitin' for you to show. I may be wrong, ma'am, but I'd bet my

ken," she rep

er down the stairs, Mi

that her visit wo

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