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Author: Sunkissed

Chapter 1 Contract Request

Word Count: 1758    |    Released on: 06/02/2024


d, rising from my seat, the weight o

big deal?" Elliot asked casuall

ing. If you truly want it," he continue

money, not ever." I muttered silently, stealing a

ing why it was taking me so long to m

a force for good," I retorted, grabbin

us, well, you know what awaits you. Give me a call when you're ready," Elliot said, hi

following me to the car. But I couldn'

contemplating the weight of the choice before me. She en

something I simply cannot give," I con

came here as your manager," Cardy plea

e darkness that loomed ahead. It was a b

s home. With concern etched on her face, she worried about the toll this decision w

help but wonder how far I was willing to go to protect what truly mattered to me. The con

Elliot's words: "Remember, we are not just a marketing company; we are your only lifeline. Without us

oved daughter, she would inevitably discover it. Contemplating this, I

wever, there was no response. Puzzled, I knocked again, hoping to elicit any sig

er awake. Growing increasingly concerned, I struck the door once more, this time with greate

nquired, her eyes searching mine for a

door?" In response, she explained that the weariness from her earlier enc

lter her world: "The contract stipulates that you must marry Elliot."

that," she declared vehemently, her resolve echoing through her every word. And in that

no circumstances would she ever become Elliott's bri

th," I assured her, yearning to witness a

esent predicament is utterly untenable," she responded as I

sted, fueling an inner f

hough I were the architect of this ill-fated agreement?" I

cy washed over me when I glimpsed the disheartening sales report.

y absent from the office. I attempted to reach h

r to witness the demise of this company; my very survival hinges upon

nce of the marriage proposal," I continued to muse aloud, although deep down, I acknowledged the futility o

ation regarding this matter," I resolved, gathe

perhaps she had opted to work remotely today. Quietly approaching her, I couldn't help but wonder why she had chosen to stay home instead of he

I've made up my mind. I no longer wish to work for your company. I want to explore

he floor, utterly overwhelmed by the news. The sounds around me became muffled, distant echoes, as if I had been transported to

ture of relief and worry etched across her face. "Dad, you're awake! Thank God!" she exclaimed, a glimmer of hop

d. "Dad, why have you never told me about my mother?" she asked, her voice filled with both curiosity and a touch of sadness. This t

o you." Before I could continue, Cardy interjected, a mixture of confusion and anguish in her voice. "Why d

turn with wealth. However, time had passed, and there had been no trace of her since. The years slipped away, and as Cardy stood before me at twenty-four years old, it seemed

portunity to pour out my thoughts to her. I spoke

company's sales are plummeting with each passing day," I began, but bef

from the bed, ready to leave, but I couldn't let her slip away jus

ou an additional $20,000 each month, on top of your regular

," she responded firmly, determination etched in her voice. But I couldn't give up. The future of my company was hanging in

ions?" I pleaded, desperation creeping into my words. My heart ached, torn

ung heavy in the air, and I wondered what path she would ultimately choose. Would she sacrifice her

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