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Chapter 4 puzzling plea

Word Count: 1113    |    Released on: 06/02/2024

t Scot

rdy's urgent voice echoed in my ears, each

myself, panic gripping my heart. I quickly sought refuge in a hidde

I seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. But before I could disapp

was in danger?" She exclaimed, her voice filled with reproach. Although her distre

?" I questioned her, moving closer to her. My cur

s streaming down her face, painting a portrait of despair. My mind immedia

ct again," I mused silently, a glimmer of hope igniting wit

expecting a logical and methodical response. Instead

d in the search. Feeling a mix of indifference and impatience, I grabbed a towel a

of the day's events. It was an extraordinary occurrence, something I had never encounte

waited, promising a temporary respite from the chaos of Cardy's predicament. I longed to immerse myself i

d. However, instead of understanding my composure, s

y intend to abandon me here alone, fully aware that they mig

ou, or should I go stay with your father and the

I am the one who chooses my own company and location. The sooner you grasp this concept, the b

got." I quickly r

my cars," I instructed Card

me to spend the night enjoying myself

g food over to my room. However, my attention was captivated by the p

er. To my surprise, as she turned a

it, did you follow me?" I questioned her,

only one in that house at this time

hatever you want, except involve other women," she declared, but I couldn't help

you, and I can easily choose to control someone else too. Get that straight in your

chose to mind my own business until I heard my name being mentioned

ted Cardy with a look of disdain on my face. Turnin

pay for it," he responded, and m

bag and even my phone at home," Car

t isn't yours? You better focus on yourself, you foolish person,"

?" Cardy pleaded, and I direc

cy, I hastened towards the source, my feet carrying me swiftly to the bathroom. What awaited me there was

have you summoned me solely to partake in this peculiar display of your unclothed form?" Yet, as I peer

use, to distance myself from this uncomfortable situation. However, a deeper sense of responsibility compelled me to reconsider. I cou

iving ground. But as my hands reached out to offer

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