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When Starlight Falls, When You Wake Up

Chapter 3 Chapter 2 The Rainy Night

Word Count: 1603    |    Released on: 22/02/2024

ne is not

first nine questions so quickly, did he

over, the other stud

question!” some student called out

red the sole red mark, which meant the answer was wrong, whi

eve that there’s super

e did that on purp

will get the highest score anyway sin

udents below

as super power in this world, but it was a dream. Just like children, they all had fantasies of posse

nyone else, even though he was clearly aware that there was no super power

lassroom one by one, while Mu Yunfei trailed beh

nd was in plain sight. The flickering light lit up th

ure that lay ahead of him, or how the thoug

vance at the gate, waiting fo

drive carefully,” A man said as he got of

egular meeting of Mu Yunfei’s company, DEVIL. App

Mu Yunfei was quite re

hind. Then he pressed the start button, and the next moment, this top sports car, which coul



ity. The rumbling noise of the Ablasta’s engine was resounding through Cleveland Avenue. It wa

enjoying the tranquility of the rainy night and the p

a number o

e responded on the o

sual, and then hung up the phone. This was how he ran the company, strictly and authorita

in S City in three years. As the first investor of the company, as well as its biggest contrib

be the day of the monthl

-hour city ruthlessly. The Ablasta drove through the city on the rainy nig

... V

eased his foot off the accelerator. Since it was rai

de like a crazy metronome, clear

teness dozens of meters away. The dense raindrops seemed to

ue to the sudden change in the weather, most pe

ifferent from the past, there was some weird current noise in the m

urn with the...

se’s... gonna k

on the walls of


t-tat sound. He thought to himself. Was he speeding? He glanced at the dash board. He was at 60 km/

was out there? This was the only doubt in Mu Yunfei’s mind. He di

oor were getting sharper, as if th

k. It never occurred to him that he would

have a look.” He struggled for a

ile Mu Yunfei felt that his car was decelerating

extendable baton on the c

d instantly. He looked b

ff from the top of the million-dollar Rambo. “I thought

ind her ears. Her fair skin appeared extremely smooth and tender against her black clo

you on the top of my car

ppeared on your car, I do

nd finally confirmed that he ha

r them. “It’s raining so heavily. Where are you going? I can send you there,” Mu Yunfei continue

faintly, “I have to follow you a

in th


of where to go, I’ll send you there.”

opened up, and the t


ma of cherry blossom all over, she was f


e’s t

it when you

name sounds so frightening,” Nan

k like a

u d

rds, even regretting havi

with umbrellas and brought both of them into the building. Mu Yunfei tossed the key t

king at the wet Nan

lothes were sticking to her body, which showe

e you lo

ei looked away imm

n her 20s. Her long blackish hair fell over her shoulders, and she was wearing a white shi

to change into,” Mu Yunfei said

lease.” Zheng Xin turned to

g, took out his phone and sen

ed, ask her to wait

walked into t

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1 Chapter 1 Volume The Awakening of Bloodline - Prologue: Stars Shining, In His End was His Beginning2 Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Do You Believe There’s Super Power in This World3 Chapter 3 Chapter 2 The Rainy Night4 Chapter 4 Chapter 3 The Top Bloodline 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 4 The Unprecedented Awakening6 Chapter 6 Chapter 5 The Ultimate Speed!7 Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Power Switch8 Chapter 8 Chapter 7 The Ultimate Ice9 Chapter 9 Chapter 8 The Crazy Equipment of the Technology Department10 Chapter 10 Chapter 9 Void Breaker! You Must Be a Monster!11 Chapter 11 Chapter 10 Slipping in12 Chapter 12 Chapter 11 The Fierce Battle13 Chapter 13 Chapter 12 The Ability of Sacred Bloodline! Resistance Halo14 Chapter 14 Chapter 13 Zilong Pavilion Auction House15 Chapter 15 Chapter 14 The Warning from the Mysterious Man16 Chapter 16 Chapter 15 Bloodline Sword17 Chapter 17 Chapter 16 Dreamland! The Broken Night18 Chapter 18 Chapter 17 The Extreme Power-up Brought by the Silver Dragon Necklace19 Chapter 19 Chapter 18 The Alliance 20 Chapter 20 Chapter 19 Off to the Thunder Planet!21 Chapter 21 Chapter 20 The Thunder Beasts22 Chapter 22 Chapter 21 The Queen of the Thunder Sea23 Chapter 23 Chapter 22 You Take After Him24 Chapter 24 Chapter 23 Refined His Body in the Thunder Sea25 Chapter 25 Chapter 24 The Offer26 Chapter 26 Chapter 25 Connect to the Dreamland World27 Chapter 27 Chapter 26 A Sacred Article Would Come out after Thunder and Lightning28 Chapter 28 Chapter 27 A Hospitably Entertainment29 Chapter 29 Chapter 28 A Feast Where Treachery Was Planned30 Chapter 30 Chapter 29 Her Brother Came31 Chapter 31 Chapter 30 The Fight between Two People at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline32 Chapter 32 Chapter 31 The Dreadful Endless Dream33 Chapter 33 Chapter 32 Mu Yunfei, I Love You34 Chapter 34 Chapter 33 The Summoned Beast in the Dream, Mirror35 Chapter 35 Chapter 34 Dream Separation36 Chapter 36 Chapter 35 Get Rid of the Endless Dream37 Chapter 37 Chapter 36 You Need to Show Your Strength If You Want to Ally with Me38 Chapter 38 Chapter 37 Figure out a Way, Whatever You Like39 Chapter 39 Chapter 38 Return to the Soil Planet40 Chapter 40 Chapter 39 Father 41 Chapter 41 Chapter 40 Lei Yi and Lei Mu42 Chapter 42 Chapter 41 Exceeding Magical Circle43 Chapter 43 Chapter 42 Change His Destiny Against God’s Will44 Chapter 44 Chapter 43 He Succeeded 45 Chapter 45 Chapter 44 It’s Broken 46 Chapter 46 Chapter 45 Ice Chop47 Chapter 47 Chapter 46 My Name Is Bei Linfeng48 Chapter 48 Chapter 47 The Star Duel49 Chapter 49 Chapter 48 Warriors with Ritual Articles50 Chapter 50 Chapter 49 The Killing Team51 Chapter 51 Chapter 50 Will You Join Us 52 Chapter 52 Chapter 51 The Killing Ritual Article, Ghostly Edge53 Chapter 53 Chapter 52 God and Ordinary54 Chapter 54 Chapter 53 I Have to Stay with You55 Chapter 55 Chapter 54 The Sacred Shield of Brightness56 Chapter 56 Chapter 55 His Daughter57 Chapter 57 Chapter 56 The Ambitions of the Warriors with Ritual Articles58 Chapter 58 Chapter 57 Intercept and Kill Them on the Way59 Chapter 59 Chapter 58 The Ritual Article’s Soul60 Chapter 60 Chapter 59 I Can Contact It in This Way 61 Chapter 61 Chapter 60 The Unknown Threat62 Chapter 62 Chapter 61 The Epiphany of the Ritual Article’s Soul63 Chapter 63 Chapter 62 Keep Them out64 Chapter 64 Chapter 63 Young Master Xing He65 Chapter 65 Chapter 64 Two Ritual Articles66 Chapter 66 Chapter 65 The Top Three Families67 Chapter 67 Chapter 66 The Xing Family’s Unique Test68 Chapter 68 Chapter 67 Fight in a Visiting Field69 Chapter 69 Chapter 68 A Blood Sucking Mantis70 Chapter 70 Chapter 69 Dream Controlling71 Chapter 71 Chapter 70 A Beast Group72 Chapter 72 Chapter 71 The Tearing Bear 73 Chapter 73 Chapter 72 The Internal Elixir74 Chapter 74 Chapter 73 The Initial Status of the Dream Space75 Chapter 75 Chapter 74 The First Seal76 Chapter 76 Chapter 75 Dreaminess’ Power77 Chapter 77 Chapter 76 Disturb a Bear’s Den78 Chapter 78 Chapter 77 Spinning, Jumping, I Close My Eyes79 Chapter 79 Chapter 78 Struggle Hard80 Chapter 80 Chapter 79 The Ritual Article’s Guidance81 Chapter 81 Chapter 80 We Have Lost 82 Chapter 82 Chapter 81 I Am Willing to83 Chapter 83 Chapter 82 Lord Immortal84 Chapter 84 Chapter 83 Shadows85 Chapter 85 Volume 2 The Disputes Among the Families (1) - Chapter 84 The Invitation Near the Cold Coagulation Spring86 Chapter 86 Chapter 85 Half Golden Bloodline87 Chapter 87 Chapter 86 Iced Pearl88 Chapter 88 Chapter 87 The No. 2, Chu Ying89 Chapter 89 Chapter 88 Go Back90 Chapter 90 Chapter 89 A Spy91 Chapter 91 Chapter 90 The Second Young Master Has Come Back92 Chapter 92 Chapter 91 We Didn’t Come to Discuss with You93 Chapter 93 Chapter 92 Chu Tian VS Chu Ying94 Chapter 94 Chapter 93 Have You Finished Fighting I Will Start Now.95 Chapter 95 Chapter 94 The Ghostly Spear Wouldn’t Stop Until Blood Could Be Seen96 Chapter 96 Chapter 95 The Plan97 Chapter 97 Chapter 96 His Master’s Junior Fellow Apprentice98 Chapter 98 Chapter 97 Join the Dream Soul Team99 Chapter 99 Chapter 98 The Great Master in Magical Circles, Fang Ruizhi100 Chapter 100 Chapter 99 The Man Favored by God